Doktorarbeit: Heirat, Verwandtschaft und Eigentumsübertragungen auf der griechischen Insel Syros 1750–1820

Heirat, Verwandtschaft und Eigentumsübertragungen auf der griechischen Insel Syros 1750–1820

„Jetzt, wo mein Kind bereit ist, in die Welt einzutreten“

Buch beschaffeneBook-Anfrage

HERODOT – Wissenschaftliche Schriften zur Ethnologie und Anthropologie, volume 24

Hamburg , 256 pages

ISBN 978-3-339-12514-9 (print) |ISBN 978-3-339-12515-6 (eBook)

About this book deutschenglish

"Now that my child is about to enter the world“. This is a common description of marriage in many marriage contracts from the island of Syros in the 18th and early 19th centuries. But what exactly did this “entry into the world” mean? Was marriage a universal phenomenon and what was the mean age at marriage depending on gender? How did this institution affect the “individual life course” and the “developmental cycle of the household”? Where did the new couple reside and what was the predominant form of household? What was the relationship of the spouses like to their parents and, in general, to the kinship groups from which they descended? The book also examines the kinship structures on Syros and the role of marriage in this context, as well as the transfer of family property to children - boys and girls - in the face of impending marriage and the obligations arising from these transfers. Why the property the bridegroom received was termed dowry as well, and which are the implications of this for family organization, kinship, and gender roles? Were these property transfers ultimately part of the subjects’ strategies and how did they determine the parent-child relationship and that between the spouses? Which areas of life were ultimately affected by marriage and how did it shape the lifeworld of Syros’ inhabitants? What influence did parameters such as space, economy, work organization within the household, emigration and the politics of the local community, the Catholic Church and the central Ottoman administration have on the structure of family and kinship on Syros?

The answers to the above questions result from the combined analysis of several sources: marriage and dowry contracts, baptism, marriage and death registers, documents from the community archive. The combination of the microhistorical approach with the method of cross-cultural comparisons contributed to a more effective study of marriage on Syros in the 18th century, and made it possible for the author to engage in more general theoretical and methodological discussions on the study of family, kinship and marriage.

Ihr Werk im Verlag Dr. Kovač

Bibliothek, Bücher, Monitore

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