Doktorarbeit: Die Karfreitagsliturgie in den evangelischen Kirchen in Deutschland

Die Karfreitagsliturgie in den evangelischen Kirchen in Deutschland

Entwicklung, Struktur und Theologie

THEOS – Studienreihe Theologische Forschungsergebnisse, volume 154

Hamburg , 704 pages

ISBN 978-3-339-12174-5 (print)

ISBN 978-3-339-12175-2 (eBook)

About this book deutschenglish

The research on the liturgical celebration of Good Friday in the Lutheran Church and in its regional churches has been given surprisingly little attention. This is in stark contrast to the emphasis on Good Friday as apparently the most significant feast day of the Protestant Churches. Up to now the liturgical celebration of Good Friday has been insufficiently researched so that this book means to bridge a big gap in this field.

After presenting a brief general view on the history of the genesis of Good Friday and on the development of its liturgical celebration till the eve of the Reformation, the author of this book conducts a thorough fundamental research by referring systematically to the primary sources of the Reformation period, the orders promulgated by different Lutheran church authorities in the German language areas. As a result of that, one can get a general idea on how Good Friday was celebrated immediately after the Reformation period and how its celebrations got detached from the Roman tradition while the author highlights the remaining traditions and the reformatory innovations in the liturgy of Good Friday by the Lutheran Church.

The second approach of the book consists in selecting some celebration schedules and the registers of some Lutheran regional churches from 19th century onward. Thereafter one can observe a deepening of the development of liturgical record books by those churches. Thanks to the author every single celebration schedule is analyzed in its origin, its course in the liturgical celebration, and in the related material.

A theology of Good Friday is elaborated from the material and from the separate books of the Bible that are used, above all, from the overall perspective on the celebration schedule of a regional church. The conclusive part of this book is dedicated to the articulation of a theology of Good Friday. Moreover, besides the use of the Bible, other aspects that can be deduced from the celebration agendas, such as anthropology, Christology, and soteriology of the liturgical celebration of Good Friday are also systematically examined. The author exemplarily gives a brief account on the significant development of the celebration of Good Friday in the Lutheran Church as regards its shape and content.

Ihr Werk im Verlag Dr. Kovač

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