Doktorarbeit: Implementation digitaler Medien in den Sachunterricht

Implementation digitaler Medien in den Sachunterricht

Eine qualitative Untersuchung zur Unterrichtspraxis

Medienpädagogik und Mediendidaktik, volume 29

Hamburg , 320 pages

ISBN 978-3-339-12058-8 (print)

ISBN 978-3-339-12059-5 (eBook)


[…] Die Publikation kann viele Anregung für die eigene Anwendung von digitalen Medien im Unterricht schaffen. Brütt gibt außerdem Empfehlungen für die Praxis hinsichtlich verschiedener Ebenen im Bildungssystem.
Dana Neuleitner in: merz | medien + erziehung, 2.21

About this book deutschenglish

Primary schools in Germany didn’t focus on the use of digital media during the last years. International studies showed that Germany missed important steps to provide technology for pupils and teachers in the classrooms across the country. Nevertheless primary school teachers started to develop skills for using ICT in the classroom. In addition to German and Maths the most important subject for implementing ICT is the subject „Sachunterricht“ which includes Social Studies, Technology and Science. Primary school teachers understand that their pupils need digital media in today’s world and introduced different ideas of using ICT. In this study teachers from Northern Germany were asked to report from their experiences with digital media in the primary school classroom. The interviews were transformed into qualitative data and the results are presented in this book. The study offers an insight into today’s usage of digital media from the teacher’s point of view.

Ihr Werk im Verlag Dr. Kovač

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