Jacqueline KaubekSelbstwirksamkeit und Einstellung zur Inklusion von Lehramtsstudierenden
Eine Studie zur schulischen Inklusion von Kindern mit Asperger-Syndrom und High-Functioning-Autismus in Regelschulklassen
Schriften zur pädagogischen Psychologie, volume 74
Hamburg 2020, 108 pages
ISBN 978-3-339-11674-1 (print)
ISBN 978-3-339-11675-8 (eBook)
About this book deutschenglish
This book deals with the self-efficacy and attitudes of teaching students on the subject of school inclusion of children with Asperger syndrome and high-functioning-autism in regular school classes.
It is investigated what form of self-efficacy expectation teachers have and whether/how this form can be brought into connection with their attitude towards school inclusion of children with Asperger syndrome and high-functioning-autism in regular school classes. For this purpose, students teachers are examined who have already gained experience in school practice with autistic children. In order to be able to investigate this subject area empirically, a quantitative research approach was chosen.
This book is structured as follows. The first part is the theoretical part, in the context of which the symptoms of Asperger syndrome and high-functioning-autism are characterized and how the symptoms relate to the regulation of the schooling oft he affected children. The following describes the difficulties and special features of inclusive education for autistic children and the measures (prospective) teachers should take to ensure successful inclusion. It also explains what is meant by the terms „expectation of self-efficacy and attitude to inclusion“ and what role these two constructs play in relation to the school inclusion of autistic children. The current state of research on inclusive education for autistic children is presented below in connection with the two constructs of interest here. The theoretical part closes with a short summary of the most central points form this first part of this work.
The secound part (empirical part) begins with a presentation of the hypotheses to be examined. Below is an overview of the survey and evaluation methods used as well as a description of the sample. Afterwards, the results found are presented and elaborated and discussed in a further chapter. The End of this work is an outlook.
Kontakt zur Autorin
Asperger-SyndromAutismusHigh-Functioning-AutismusInklusionLehramtsstudierendePädagogikPsychologieRegelschulklassenSelbstwirksamkeitIhr Werk im Verlag Dr. Kovač
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