Doktorarbeit: The Role of Digitalization within Business Development

The Role of Digitalization within Business Development

Schriftenreihe zum Business Development, volume 2

Hamburg , 200 pages

ISBN 978-3-8300-9706-8 (print)

ISBN 978-3-339-09706-4 (eBook)

About this book deutschenglish

The current market conditions firms act upon and the progressive digitalization result in the strategic imperative for organizations to pursue business development by leveraging the potential of digitalization in order to realize growth. In spite of this, prior research has failed to address relevant topics constituting the research gaps pertaining to the intersection of business development and digitalization.

This book aims to provide an in-depth insight detecting the role of digitalization within business development and how firms can realize business development by leveraging digitalization. This has been answered in four individual empirical studies. In particular, the concept business development has been investigated both from an academic as well as from a managerial point of view with the goal of gaining a comprehensive status report of the concept business development with regard to understanding and implementing strategies. Acknowledging that digitalization and digital technologies are transforming entire businesses, digital transformation must be investigated to determine whether or not it can be evaluated as an applicable strategy to facilitate new growth potentials. Based on this, knowledge must be acquired about how companies actually pursue the implementation of digital technologies and how they exploit these technologies in order to capture growth potentials. In the following, it is of significant interest which factors, differentiated into technology, organizational and environmental factors, influence a firm’s decision to engage in a certain digital transformation strategy, namely digital product innovation. Finally, it has been investigated how digital technologies can be introduced into a business process on the example of the industrial sales process. Accordingly it has been analyzed which phase of the industrial selling process should be digitalized by performing the corresponding activities with digital technologies and further, if more than one phase should be digitalized in which combination the digital and non-digital phases should be assembled for achieving superior sales performance.

Ihr Werk im Verlag Dr. Kovač

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