Ayhan TaşdemirMarginalisierte Männlichkeitskonstruktionen im Migrationsprozess
Eine vergleichende biografieanalytische Untersuchung männlicher Migranten aus Aserbaidschan in der Türkei und aus der Türkei in Deutschland
Gender Studies – Interdisziplinäre Schriftenreihe zur Geschlechterforschung, volume 30
Hamburg 2017, 400 pages
ISBN 978-3-8300-9696-2 (print)
ISBN 978-3-339-09696-8 (eBook)
[...] Insgesamt gesehen ist diese Studie ein gleichermaßen innovativer wie wertvoller Beitrag in den aktuellen
(Flucht-)Migrations- Debatten, der neue Aspekte stark macht und so dazu beitragen kann, die kulturalistischen und stereotypen Engführungen zu überwinden. [...]
About this book deutschenglish
The present study concentrates on the question in which way male migrants ‘construct’ their masculinity and which impact the experience of actual migration has on these processes of identity formation. ‘Construction’, hereby, signifies the (re-)production and transformation of personal perceptions of masculinity as well as a practical doing masculinity, thus, the daily being-a-man behaviour.
The research focuses on a very distinct group of migrants, namely those living in illegality due to specific migration and aligned conditions and, therefore, being marginalised. This work compares two migrant groups: Men who migrated from Azerbaijan to Turkey and men who migrated from Turkey to Germany, providing a sociologic insight into their biographies.
Despite their physical and psychological attrition, the individual fate of these men is shaped by the constant struggle to maintain their ground in professional life, to secure the economic survival of themselves and their families and, simultaneously, to meet the challenges of family life.
On the basis of male migrant biographies, this study analyses the contextual relationships between their sexual constructions, particularly the mechanisms of social marginalization in which access to public goods is denied and cultural, political and economic participation eliminated.
The current research responds to the negation of their very existence and how this existential denial is approved by the people concerned due to their commitment to economic security and self-preservation.
Ad interim, this study reveals the paradox in these relationships, namely the art of survival of these men in creating a certain “freedom of action” through their invisibility in illegal circumstances.
AserbaidschanBiografieforschungDeutschlandFluchtbiografieGeschlechterverhältnisHegemoniale MännlichkeitIntersektionalitätMännerforschungMännlichkeitskonstruktionenMarginalisierungMigrantenMigrationMigrationsprozessTürkeiIhr Werk im Verlag Dr. Kovač
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