Christian Later, Michaela Helmbrecht und Ursina Jecklin-Tischhauser (Hrsg.)Infrastruktur und Distribution zwischen Antike und Mittelalter
Tagungsbeiträge der Arbeitsgemeinschaft Spätantike und Frühmittelalter. 8. Stadt, Land, Fluss – Infrastruktur und Distributionssysteme in Spätantike und Frühmittelalter (Lübeck, 2.–3. September 2013)
Studien zu Spätantike und Frühmittelalter, volume 8
Hamburg 2015, 280 pages
ISBN 978-3-8300-7899-9 (print)
ISBN 978-3-339-07899-5 (eBook)
[…] Insgesamt liefert der Band eine Reihe eindringlicher Fallstudien, von denen sich mehrere auch untereinander gut ergänzen und durch Dichte und Kohärenz die Fruchtbarkeit des interdisziplinären Gesprächs unter Beweis stellen.
About this book deutschenglish
Late Antiquity and the Early Middle Ages are times of political, religious, sociocultural and economic change. That is why issues regarding the transformation of classical antiquity into an early medieval world present a special challenge for archaeology and historic sciences. The topic of “infrastructure and distribution systems” does not only allow to recognize discontinuities but also different forms of continuity between those periods seemingly so different at first sight. It allows to draw conclusions both on the ways and the extent of transformation processes and their reflection in material culture. Often these transformations had a direct influence on core areas of daily life. Therefore, issues of mobility and the exchange of goods are more or less discernable by archaeological means, as well as changes in settlement patterns, production and raw material supply or the transformation of political systems. The eighth volume of the series „Studien zu Spätantike und Frühmittelalter“, which is based on the eighth session of the „AG Spätantike und Frühmittelalter“, unites eleven up-to-date studies from archaeologist and historians approaching this topic from different points of view. These include issues of urban, monastic and manorial infrastructure, traffic, travel and architecture, raw material supply and production, the transport of goods and different types of distribution systems. The regional and chronological framework extends from Scandinavia throughout Central Europe to the Adriatic coast in Croatia, covering the 1st to 9th century BC. This volume clearly illustrates not only the broad range of questions presently researched by modern archaeology and neighbouring disciplines partly in co-operation, but also the approaches and methods applied to solve these and to generate new questions.Keywords
ArchäologieDistributionssystemeFrühmittelalterGeschichteHandelHerrschaftliche InfrastrukturKlösterliche InfrastrukturProduktionRohstoffgewinnungSpätantikeStädtische InfrastrukturVerkehrwesenIhr Werk im Verlag Dr. Kovač
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