Weronika Suchacka / Uwe Zagratzki / Hartmut Lutz (eds.)Despite Harper: International Perceptions of Canadian Literature and Culture
Studien zur Anglistik und Amerikanistik, volume 26
Hamburg 2014, 170 pages
ISBN 978-3-8300-7412-0 (print)
ISBN 978-3-339-07412-6 (eBook)
This highly readable and informative volume of essays on international perceptions of Canadian literature and culture testifies to the achievement of the founders of the Szczecin Canadian Studies Group […] and to the important trans-border cooperation between German and Polish enthusiasts in the field of Canadian Studies. […]This welcome collection offers many insightful introductory essays to various fascinating facets of the threatened but surviving field of Canadian Studies. The editors come from or teach in the Baltic landscape that Stephen Scobie writes about in the poems included. But this landscape (and its cultural dialogue with Canada) also finds its beautiful reflection on the cover of the volume in a First Nations Canadian‘s rendering of the Pomeranian gryphon meeting the Anishnawbe Thunderbird spirit: a spirited and inspiring encounter.
About this book deutschenglish
The book pursues two aims. On the one hand it collects contributions from literature and cultural studies, history, methodology/didactics and geography in the field of Canadian Studies. All contributors are experts in their respective fields of research. Their essays introduce the general reader to special issues of Canadian Studies, but they also address the specialist as they reflect upon current research topics.
With the publication of this collection the editors on the other hand have taken a decision in favour of representing the international character of Canadian Studies. Hence the book serves as an indicator of the rapid development of Canadian Studies inside and outside Canada in the recent past, even under impeding economic conditions.
and transculturalismCanadian films and dramasCanadian Mennonitesinter-magic realismmulti-the Gothic in Anglo-Canadian literaturewriting in the diasporaIhr Werk im Verlag Dr. Kovač
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