Dissertation: Erwachsenenpädagogische Digitalisierungsforschung!?

Erwachsenenpädagogische Digitalisierungsforschung!?

Kritische Betrachtungen zum Selbstverständnis der Erwachsenenbildung im modernen Wissenschaftssystem

Buch beschaffenOpen Access

Studien zur Erwachsenenbildung, volume 51

Hamburg , 342 pages

ISBN 978-3-339-13710-4 (print) |ISBN 978-3-339-13711-1 (eBook)

About this book englishenglish

  The development and use of digital technologies are leading to profound changes in work and daily life. Lifelong learning and adult education are seen as having a variety of functions in shaping digital transformation processes, e.g. adapting job qualifications, increasing media competencies and digital skills, enabling democratic opinion formation and participation. Despite (or maybe because of) this articulated increase in its importance, adult education as a discipline has so far struggled to find its own perspective for a systematic knowledge production on digitalisation.

Christian Kühn argues that such an adult educational digitalisation research must provide answers to two questions: What makes adult education genuinely different from other disciplines? How can digitalisation as a complex interaction between technical and socio-cultural change be researched?

First, central characteristics of the identity of adult education in the modern science system are identified in a scientific-theoretical and historical approach to the development of the discipline. Focusing on current attempts to structure digitalisation research, a typical practice-oriented, media-pedagogical interpretation of digitalisation is identified. For the author, this approach leads to fundamental epistemological problems. Therefore, he calls for digitalisation research that establishes interdisciplinary work and research as identity-forming characteristics of adult education. A reflexive examination of its own disciplinary selfimage is unavoidable as an ongoing task. Finally, the knowledge potential of such an adult education digitalisation research is discussed using the examples of programme research and digitalisation-specific functions of cultural adult education.


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Ihr Werk im Verlag Dr. Kovač

Bibliothek, Bücher, Monitore

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