Stefan SteegerBekenntnisschulen in öffentlicher Trägerschaft?
Verfassungsrecht in Forschung und Praxis, volume 158
Hamburg 2023, 158 pages
ISBN 978-3-339-13524-7 (print)
ISBN 978-3-339-13525-4 (eBook)
About this book deutschenglish
In North Rhine-Westphalia and parts of Lower Saxony, there is a public confessional school in addition to the private confessional school. This is a public form of school in which both students and teachers must belong to the denomination that characterizes the school and, in addition to religious instruction, the profane subjects are also taught in a denominational manner. Another special feature is that participation in religious instruction is compulsory at this type of school.
In this book, the author examines the historical development of the German school system and the influence of the churches on it. The focus of the historical view is on the negotiations on the Weimar school regulations, the concordat negotiations and the process of deliberations on Article 7 GG.
After the historical consideration, the author examines the case law of the Federal Constitutional Court on public confessional schools. In addition to a discussion of the reasons for the decision, the focus is on the question of whether a public school form that selects according to confessions can exist under the provisions of the Basic Law. In this context, the public confessional school is measured against the principles of neutrality and parity as well as the requirement of tolerance.
Art. 7 GGBekenntnisschulenKonkordatsurteilNeutralitätsgebotParitätsgrundsatzReligionsunterrichtSchulrechtToleranzgebotTrägerschaftWeimarer ReichsverfassungIhr Werk im Verlag Dr. Kovač
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