Dissertation: Demokratie in Subsahara-Afrika

Demokratie in Subsahara-Afrika

Eine Analyse ihrer Entstehung und Wirkung auf Recht und Wirtschaft

Buch beschaffeneBook-Anfrage

Demokratie und Demokratisierungsprozesse, volume 15

Hamburg , 438 pages

ISBN 978-3-339-13088-4 (print) |ISBN 978-3-339-13089-1 (eBook)


[...] zeigen sich nach mehr als zwei Generationen nach der politischen Befreiung die Subsahara-Staaten eher als verdeckte Autokratien denn als Demokratien. Das Buch [...] liefert eine fundierte Auseinandersetzung mit den Gründen dieser Entwicklung. Der Autor Dr. Dr. Helmut Schmidt, Jurist und Politikwissenschaftler, ist Honorarkonsul der Republik Mali.

Diplomatisches Magazin, 9/2022

About this book deutschenglish

Democracy has its historical origins first and quite early in the Attic State and the Roman Republic, and then from the 17th century to the present day in Western Europe and the United States. The history of Africa, on the other hand, knew only kingdoms, emirates and sultanates until the colonization. From 1960 onwards, the colonies became indipendent and not only adopted the geographical borders drawn up by the old powers, but also their constitutions, and thus generally parliamentary or presidential systems of government.

The subject of this work is to analyze this receptive and not genuine development of African forms of government. Before colonization there were only monarchial and thus autocratic systems, apart from very few federations and matriarchies. Most sub-Saharan countries not only lack a national history, but also any tradition and experience with the regulations of a functioning democracy.

The focus of the analysis is the classification of today’s sub-Saharan states into monarchies, autocracies and democracies. Parameters of the investigation are above all the applicable election procedures, the ruling party systems, in particular the longstanding and sometimes still dominant single parties, and the strong political influence of the military cadres, very often the originators of putsches and overthrowns. Other important topics of the expertise are the phenomenon of long-term rulers, the status of equal rights for women and the role of trade unions.

According to the established indices, almost all states of sub-Saharan Africa are still classified as highly defective democracies or even as moderate or hard autocracies. The book provides a well-founded discussion of the historical, political, social and economic reasons for the transition of most African states into functioning democracies, which has not yet been successful.

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Ihr Werk im Verlag Dr. Kovač

Bibliothek, Bücher, Monitore

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