Dissertation: Individuelle Begriffskonzepte von 8- bis 12-Jährigen über Würfel und Quader

Individuelle Begriffskonzepte von 8- bis 12-Jährigen über Würfel und Quader

Buch beschaffeneBook-Anfrage

Didaktik in Forschung und Praxis, volume 106

Hamburg , 556 pages

ISBN 978-3-339-11616-1 (print)

ISBN 978-3-339-11617-8 (eBook)

About this book deutschenglish

What kind of notion do children have about geometrical concepts like cube or cuboid? To which properties do they refer? How do they represent those concepts? A lot of existing studies show the conflict between individual images and formal definitions of mathematical concepts.

In line with a qualitative study design the author investigates the individual geometrical concept knowledge of children aged 8 to 12. Within an open interview situation a lot of possibilities are given to children to articulate their individual images about the concepts cube and cuboid: On the one hand they describe geometrical solids. On the other hand they build representatives with numerous wooden blocks. Based on those representatives they concretize their individual images. Moreover, children are encouraged to find relations between the properties of both concepts.

Based on the methodology of Grounded Theory the author develops a typology to describe children’s geometrical concept knowledge about cubes and cuboids. In doing so she observe particular key aspects – like prototypical concept formation. A special focus of the study looks at changing processes in geometrical concept knowledge from class 3 to 5. Besides, strong misconceptions can be detected, which are closely interconnected with a prototypical point of view.

The book provides detailed insights into children’s individual notion of the geometrical solids cube and cuboid shown in construction tasks with wooden blocks. Furthermore, the longitudinal study design allows essential findings in the development of children’s increasing mathematical approaches and spatial concept building.


Ihr Werk im Verlag Dr. Kovač

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