Belinda MartschinkeThe Benefit for Patients From a Value-based Perspective
A Critical Reflection With Particular Attention to Early Benefit Assessment and Patient Coaching
- in englischer Sprache -
Schriftenreihe Gesundheitswissenschaften, volume 20
Hamburg 2018, 304 pages
ISBN 978-3-8300-9816-4 (print)
ISBN 978-3-339-09816-0 (eBook)
About this book deutschenglish
How can value be added in healthcare with an emphasis on coaching programs targeted at patients with diabetes type 2? A systematic review reveals the effectiveness of different diabetes coaching programs worldwide and sheds light on best practice approaches. Subsequently, in an empirical analysis, the Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) is used for measuring patient preferences of coaching goals. Goal-setting is a major element in patient coaching, determining the value added by such a program. The analysis reveals how much importance is placed on each coaching goal by patients compared to expert opinion, uncovering deviances between patients and experts. The results point to the need of more diabetes education in the German patient population. From a theory point of view, the concept of value-based healthcare measures the value added by a treatment, compared to its cost, and underlines the importance of outcome orientation and coherent, comprehensive treatment chains. The concept is scrutinized in how far it matches patient coaching approaches as well as the market access of new drugs in Germany (early benefit assessment) from a pharmaceutical point of view. Lastly, the notion of patient centricity is evaluated. Barriers and success factors can be identified, which allow for patient-centric value creation in healthcare settings.
AHPAnalytic Hierarchy ProcessBenefitDiabetes Typ 2Early benefit assessmentFrühe NutzenbewertungGesundheitsmanagementGesundheitsökonomieGesundheitswesenGesundheitswissenschaftPatient centricityPatient coachingPatientencoachingPatientenpräferenzenPatientenzentrierungPatient preferencesValue-basedIhr Werk im Verlag Dr. Kovač
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