Dissertation: Individuenzentrierte Zugänge zur Sprachvariation

Individuenzentrierte Zugänge zur Sprachvariation

Eine Analyse von Sprechern in Hessen

PHILOLOGIA – Sprachwissenschaftliche Forschungsergebnisse, volume 220

Hamburg , 482 pages

ISBN 978-3-8300-9522-4 (print)

About this book deutschenglish

Everyday we use our language. People have all kinds of different conversations during one day – at work, with the family or among friends. They are influenced among other things by the way they were socialized with speech, their own experience, the judgement of a situation and their intended communicative aim with the interlocutor during the current interaction.

In a conversation the speaker himself is active. Not only does he influence the content by shaping the flow of the dialog, but also by means of his conscious or subconscious form of speech. But how does a speaker actually uses his possibilities in a given situation?

This dissertation takes a look at the amount of speech used by three different speakers from Hessian during one day. Possibilities and handling of the collected data of one day recorded speech material are shown as well as challenges connected with a large corpus. In addition, exemplary evaluations based upon the corpus are presented and discussed.

By means of selected conversational fragments from the corpus, the author considers among other things the use of ‘Standard’ and ‘Substandard’ German variants in a given conversation and how a linguist might use this as a hint for an interpretative reconstruction of a possible functional use. Speaker’s preferences respectively contextual related preferences are presented in a contrastive way.

Those sketched out results outline at the same time that for the description of individual speech variation an extension of speech analyses onto a whole day and beyond could be a rewarding contribution for prospective empirical research.

Ihr Werk im Verlag Dr. Kovač

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