Forschungsarbeit: Waräger – Krieger, Händler, Herrscher

Waräger – Krieger, Händler, Herrscher

Studien zur Geschichtsforschung des Mittelalters, volume 35

Hamburg , 134 pages

ISBN 978-3-8300-9266-7 (print)

ISBN 978-3-339-09266-3 (eBook)

About this book deutschenglish

The role of each state, among other things, is no doubt caring about its national prestige – it is important for both self-awareness and the self-identify of its people. It is where people as an entity of various ethnic groups continuously draw a sense of belonging to one culture. Not least, this feeling is based on the knowledge and understanding of their own history and above all its origins. And if we study the historical origins of the modern state, we are trying, in particular, to separate fact from myths and legends. It is often such a task, as in the analysis of the early history of the Russian people, - that proves problematic. A contradictory, and in some sense, biased source as the Chronicle, also known as Nestor´s Chronicle of the 12th century, tell us about the formation of the early Russian state by legendary princes of Varangians in the 9th century who came from northern Europe. Other sources tell about “robbery raids” as well as trading expeditions in the Baltic Sea area and in modern day Eastern Europe, while already well known trading networks were used by people of various origin. We speak about these people as traders, warriors and members of a ruling elite. But who were these people and to what extent did they contribute to the formation of the political reality of Eastern Slavic/ancient Russian areas of settlement turning them into the Kievan state? An analysis of these issues is presented in the following work.

Ihr Werk im Verlag Dr. Kovač

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