Sonja HerzogMännliche Schulverweigerer
Eine bildungstheoretische Längsschnittstudie
EUB. Erziehung – Unterricht – Bildung, volume 177
Hamburg 2016, 324 pages
ISBN 978-3-8300-9171-4 (print)
ISBN 978-3-339-09171-0 (eBook)
About this book deutschenglish
In the context of critical educational science, Sonja Herzog investigates in her dissertation, “Male Dropouts: An educational theory-based longitudinal study,” the question whether education is alone surveyed in comparative school effectiveness studies. She also problematizes the stigmatized view of male students as school dropouts. She further pursues the question whether dropouts show any forms of education.
To address these questions, Herzog conducts interviews with male dropouts and their counselors from a country-wide program named, “School Dropout: The 2nd Chance,” over the course a longitudinal study. She considers male dropouts’ self- and world-referencing in the context of an educational theory-based biography research and within the scope of critical-reflexive institutions and societal perspectives. When using the classical educational theory, “sensitizing concepts” (Kelle & Kluge, 2010) it became clear in this study that the school dropouts either underwent educational processes or possess educational potential.
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Kontakt zur Autorin
BildungsprozessrekonstruktionBildungstheoretische BiografieforschungBildungstheoretische LängsschnittstudieBildungstheorieEmpirische BildungsforschungErziehungswissenschaftJugendKritische ErziehungswissenschaftSchülerforschungSchulabsentismusSchuleSchulkritikSchulsozialarbeitSchulverweigerungIhr Werk im Verlag Dr. Kovač
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