Mark HeidrichEvaluation eines Kompetenz-Trainings für Eltern als aufsuchendes Hilfsangebot
Studienreihe psychologische Forschungsergebnisse, volume 177
Hamburg 2015, 266 pages
ISBN 978-3-8300-8203-3 (print)
ISBN 978-3-339-08203-9 (eBook)
About this book deutschenglish
The idea of this study is to explore a special support for family care and to meet the increasing demand for help in family counseling. ADHD is considered to be diagnosed far too often. It is indeed difficult to recognize beyond any doubt. Many parents, whose children suffer from ADHD or ODD are now demanding better support instead of more - or solely - medication. They often get an alarming feedback from school or kindergarten. They are even said to be incapable of educating their child properly. Parents contacting family counselors are therefore often helpless. They are eager to learn how to cope with their child and his/her ADHD. It is necessary to support those parents and help them to interact with their challenging children more competently. Special parent training must reduce family stress and reinforce the parents´ self con-fidence and competence in interaction. The parent training program „KES“ is highly structured and strictly limited to seven sessions. It provides clear instructions for par-ents to interact with their strenuous/trying children more easily. The training is an effective behavioral method for those highly stressed parents. At first parents describe situations with their child that were highly disruptive. After-wards one of those situations is monitored by the trainer to recognize maladaptive parent behavior and to work out solutions with the parents. The positive effects of such home-visiting interventions are described in this study.Keywords
ADHSAufsuchende FamilientherapieEinzelfallstudieElterntrainingErziehungsberatungHyperkinetische StörungImplementationsforschungKinder- und JugendhilfeKinder- und JugendpsychiatrieStörung des SozialverhaltensIhr Werk im Verlag Dr. Kovač
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