Johanna DumanskiWortschatzentwicklung CI-versorgter Kinder gehörloser bzw. hochgradig hörgeschädigter Eltern in Laut- und Gebärdensprache
Sonderpädagogik in Forschung und Praxis, volume 38
Hamburg 2014, 380 pages
ISBN 978-3-8300-7878-4 (print)
ISBN 978-3-339-07878-0 (eBook)
Ein Buch [...], dessen Forschungsteil [...] – bezogen auf die gewählten Forschungsfragen – durchaus als Muster herangezogen werden kann. Darüber hinaus möglicherweise ein Zeichen dafür, dass die deutsche lautsprachorientierte „Hörgeschädigtenpädagogik“ das Potenzial bilingualer Bildung für hochgradig schwerhörige und gehörlose Kinder zu akzeptieren beginnt.
About this book deutschenglish
How is the linguistic situation of cochlear implanted children of deaf or highly hearing impaired parents? Do these children mainly communicate in the German sign language and thus in their native language, or do they withdraw from their parents way of communication and focus more on spoken language? There are reports of CI supplies in children of deaf parents since the mid-90s in Germany. One of the peculiarities of these families is their way of communication: The mother tongue of the children is usually the German sign language, whereas they get spoken language input from the hearing environment. The children therefore grow up multilingual and bimodal. The present study is about the vocabulary development of cochlear implanted children of deaf or highly hearing impaired parents. In addition to the development of semantic-lexical competence of these children also socio-demographic factors were elicited, which may have an influence on this development. For this purpose the parents were interviewed and the children were tested with a spoken and a sign language vocabulary test. The focus was on the development of semantic-lexical competence of these children in spoken as well as in sign language over a period of ten months, the comparison of the use of both languages and the influence of socio-demographic factors such as the age at the adaptation of the speech processor, the educational level of the parents or the educational institution the children visited. The results of each vocabulary test and of the statistical correlation analysis provides a comprehensive insight into the complex process of the bimodal language acquisition of cochlear implanted children of deaf parents.Keywords
CI-versorgte KinderCochlea Implantat CIGebärdensprache DGSGebärdenspracherwerbGehörlose ElternGehörlosengemeinschaftHochgradig hörgeschädigte ElternHörschädigungLautspracheLautspracherwerbSonderpädagogikSprachentwicklungWortschatzentwicklungIhr Werk im Verlag Dr. Kovač
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