Forschungsarbeit: Das Zuhause multidimensional: Literarische Ansatzpunkte und Didaktisierungsvorschläge

Das Zuhause multidimensional: Literarische Ansatzpunkte und Didaktisierungsvorschläge

Dargestellt an Texten von Hoffmann, Schwab und Handke

Studien zur Germanistik, volume 102

Hamburg , 96 pages

ISBN 978-3-339-13648-0 (print)

ISBN 978-3-339-13649-7 (eBook)

About this book deutschenglish

For most people, home is one of the most important concepts. It is not just a room with walls, it is a place where you feel safe. It is also a retreat where you can always return to strengthen your physical and mental capacities. The home is also a place of socialization, where children are exposed to typical interpersonal situations through which they can learn the most important social roles. Finally, home can be understood from the perspective of one's place of origin, i.e., the country or part of the country where one not only grew up but also developed close and usually emotionally positive relationships with.

All these shades of meaning of the term "home" appear in the present work. Five literary texts serve as points of reference for their presentation: Werner Schwab's Die Präsidentinnen [The Presidents], Peter Handke's Immer noch Sturm [Storm Still], Über die Dörfer [Walk about the Villages] and Die morawische Nacht [The Moravian Night], and E.T.A. Hoffmann's “Der Sandmann” [“The Sandman”]<7i>. In the case of Der Sandmann and Die Präsidentinnen, the focus of the analysis is on the perversion 'in one's own home', which can be understood as the surrounding reality and society. The role of the home in human life is discussed in Über die Dörfer and Immer noch Sturm. Die morawische Nacht is analyzed from the perspective of the pluricultural environment of human existence. The literary (and in some respects also psychological and sociological) analysis of the texts: Immer noch Sturm, Über die Dörfer and Die Präsidentinnen is complemented by didactic suggestions. The present didactic material can be used both in the literature class of German studies and (perhaps in a shortened or otherwise modified version) in conventional classes of German as a second language at the level B2/B2+.

Ihr Werk im Verlag Dr. Kovač

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