Dissertation: Der Sport- und Tanzrollator

Der Sport- und Tanzrollator

Eine dreimonatige Tanzintervention zur Überprüfung ausgewählter konditioneller, koordinativer und kognitiver Fähigkeiten sowie psychologischer Merkmale bei Seniorinnen und Senioren mit/ohne motorische/n und mentale/n Einschränkungen

Schriften zur Bewegungswissenschaft, volume 12

Hamburg , 244 pages

ISBN 978-3-339-12010-6 (print)

ISBN 978-3-339-12011-3 (eBook)

About this book deutschenglish

Life expectancy has increased steadily in recent decades, and this has changed the image of the population significantly.

For the evaluation of the prototype a dance intervention was carried out over a period of three months with 27 seniors with a average age of 84.85 years (SD =7.352). The training took place twice a week for 60 minutes each and included various dance genres. To test the cognitive, coordinative abilities and the psychological conditions, field-tested test procedures were carried out.

The majority of the subjects had vocational training (37.04%), took daily medication (96.30%) and were widowed (70.37%). The dance group showed only isolated changes after the intervention. The three-month dance training with the sports and dance rollator battled the age-related degradation. It achieved stable cognitive abilities and stabilized the balance ability of the subjects. The dancers felt more alert and became more and more confident in their use of the device. However, this pilot study was unique in many ways as the average age was 84.85 years (SD = 7.352), a novel device was used, and most subjects had motor and / or mental limitations.

All in all the dance training was able to slow down the age-related degradation and brought the subjects much joy, increased the number of social exchanges and improved the sense of security in everyday life.

Ihr Werk im Verlag Dr. Kovač

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