Philip WitteAgentenbasierte Steuerung sektorenkoppelnder Anlagen auf Basis spieltheoretischer Methoden
Entwicklung eines Steuerungskonzepts für dezentrale Anlagen
Schriftenreihe technische Forschungsergebnisse, volume 40
Hamburg 2020, 244 pages
ISBN 978-3-339-11738-0 (print)
ISBN 978-3-339-11739-7 (eBook)
About this book deutschenglish
In this work, an agent-based concept for the control of a pool of sector-coupling devices is developed based on game-theoretic methods. For this, three game-theoretic learn mechanisms are analyzed. Through the implementation of additional agent-specific state variables, a fully decentralized optimization is made possible. Extensive simulations for three case studies with different types of sector-coupling devices show that their joint operation can be improved effectively for varying objectives. Incorporation of agent-specific flexibility costs for the optimization thereby increases the flexibility of the pool and thus enhances the overall optimization results.
Agentenbasierte SimulationAgentenbasierte SteuerungBHKWDezentrale OptimierungElektroautoEnergiesystemeEnergiewirtschaftLademanagementLastmanagementMulti-Agenten-SystemeSektorenkopplungSpieltheoretische OptimierungSpieltheorieSteuerungWärmepumpeIhr Werk im Verlag Dr. Kovač
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