Katharina PfeiferDas pädagogische Potential eines Übergangsobjektes in Transitionskontexten
Ein „Schulteddy“ als nachhaltige Interventionsmaßnahme beim Übergang vom Kindergarten in die Grundschule
Studien zur Schulpädagogik, volume 87
Hamburg 2019, 186 pages
ISBN 978-3-339-10668-1 (print)
ISBN 978-3-339-10669-8 (eBook)
About this book deutschenglish
The pedagogical potential of a passage-object in transition-contexts. A „school-teddy bear“ as a sustainable intervention-measure in the transition from Kindergarten to primary school.
In our education-system, especially the institutional transitions are seen as linkage points with a selective mechanism for the individual educational biography. This starts with the transition from Kindergarten to primary school. Accordingly, these transitions are researched and programs are introduced, which are supposed to react to possible issues with adaption, respectively prevent them, what is in practice connected with a high demand for the administering teacher. How many of the schoolchildren actually have substantial transition-issues is not definitely documented. Various studies vary in results between 5-50%. And yet other studies show that a higher well-being in school has a positive effect on learning behaviour and motivation of pupils. The academic interest of this dissertation-project was to research the impact of a measure with easy administration and high feasibility on the perception of well-being in school. For their schoolstart, the schoolchildren each received an individualized school-teddy bear, which was stored in the school and accompanied them as companion and confidante during their school days. In this two-year study in longitudinal cohort-sequence design, two year one cohorts (with one treatment and one control group) were accompanied for the first school year and surveyed on three measurement timepoints. The result was clear, the teddy bear-children were able to develop a higher well-being in school during the acute transition than the children in the control group.
BildungsbiografieElementarpädagogikEntwicklungsaufgabeErziehungswissenschaftGrundschuleKindergartenKohortensequenzdesignLängsschnittliche StudieNachhaltigkeitÖkosystemische TheoriePotentialPrimarpädagogikSchuleintrittSchulisches WohlbefindenTransitionenTransitionskontextÜbergängeÜbergangsobjektÜbergangsphänomenÜbergangsraumIhr Werk im Verlag Dr. Kovač
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