Bastian DünnwaldKonzept zur hierarchischen Produktionsplanung im Spezialmaschinenbau
Schriftenreihe innovative betriebswirtschaftliche Forschung und Praxis, volume 466
Hamburg 2017, 178 pages
ISBN 978-3-8300-9308-4 (print)
ISBN 978-3-339-09308-0 (eBook)
About this book deutschenglish
Subject of this book is the development of a planning concept for hierarchical production planning in special purpose machinery. Special purpose machines in this context are characterized by a high product complexity, a high amount of manual assembly effort, long replenishment times (up to several months), high product prices and long assembly lead times.
The developed planning concept includes two planning approaches for the mid-term master production planning and the shot-term resource allocation planning as well as the hierarchical connection of both planning approaches. The pursued objectives include the increase of customer satisfaction on the one hand and the reduction of production related costs on the other hand. Following these objectives a decision model and a solution method is developed and evaluated for each of the two planning approaches. In case of the master production planning approach the solution method consists of a problem-specific opening procedure and a Variable-Neighborhood-Search-based improvement procedure. In order to solve the resulting resource allocation optimization problem, different heuristic procedures are tested with regard to their applicability in particular for large-scale problem instances.
By embedding the two planning approaches within a holistic planning concept for hierarchical production planning in special purpose machinery, it is assured that the involved planning tasks are optimally coordinated. Therefore the hierarchical coordination of the various planning tasks among them by feedforward-, and feedback-structures as well as instructions are a decisive factor. Due to the fact that different planning horizons, planning frequencies and data aggregation levels have to considered, for each particular planning task, the book closes with a detailed analysis of the data, feedback and planning parameters needed as input for each planning task and the particular influence on the planning result.
HauptproduktionsprogrammplanungHierarchische IntegrationLösungsverfahrenPlanungsansatzProduktion & LogistikProduktionsplanungRessourcenbelegungsplanungSpezialmaschinenbauIhr Werk im Verlag Dr. Kovač
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