Miriam KallischniggBildungs- und Wissensmanagement als integratives Kompetenzfeld (Knowucation)
Strategisches Management, volume 181
Hamburg 2015, 490 pages
ISBN 978-3-8300-8646-8 (print)
ISBN 978-3-339-08646-4 (eBook)
About this book deutschenglish
The education market currently lists a framework regarding the shift of areas of action and limits that existed previously. New market entry barriers will open up to a market in which the plurality of offers increases and leads to a new competition for the learners. Knowledge is the core of human resources and every organization. Competence schooling is becoming increasingly important in a world where knowledge becomes outdated faster and faster and new knowledge pushes to the market permanently. The worldwide availability of knowledge created by the (inter)national network of knowledge provides the decisive factor of production in the 21st century, which promotes the need to regard education and knowledge management as a unit. Thus, the integration of education and knowledge management (Knowucation) accesses relevant content and takes account of it in a goal-oriented way; "one best way" is therefore not to be identified. Rather, the construct suggests knowledge and educational management to be interdependent. The trends of globalization, technological, social and demographic changes greatly influence today's professional life. The efficiency of the knowledge society and the social and technological changes in society require an adaptation of the education system, particularly of higher education in Germany. By upgrading human resources education eperiences a competency-based approach, and thus, universities learn a strategic competence management. In a highly differentiated educational market, it is time to support its position in higher education and to expand it to professional training courses. For the consideration of multifocal factors entrepreneurial business models provide a parallelism of multiple perspectives, which is essential for tackling complex, pluralistic environment constellations. The Business Model Canvas and a roadmap provide the transfer of possible action parameters in order to function as a guideline for creating an individual configuration, and thus, to formulate a strategic adjustment.Keywords
BildungBildungsmanagementE-LearningHochschulmanagementLebenslanges LernenLernenMedialisierungWeb 2.0WeiterbildungWissenWissensmanagementIhr Werk im Verlag Dr. Kovač
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