Forschungsarbeit: Design of a Ski Flying Hill with the Profile HS300m

Design of a Ski Flying Hill with the Profile HS300m

A Kinematic Analysis of the Flying Curve of Ski Jumpers

Schriften zur Sportwissenschaft, Band 114

Hamburg , 96 Seiten

ISBN 978-3-8300-7384-0 (Print)

ISBN 978-3-339-07384-6 (eBook)

Zum Inhalt

The main purpose of this book is to design a ski flying hill with the profile HS300m, for the first time, with the help of a kinematic analysis of the flying curve of ski jumpers.

The book is result of the special research project of the Faculty of Sport, University of Ljubljana. Ski flying has become a very popular sport discipline. Today jumpers can fly over 240m. The world’s longest jump of 245.5m was accomplished by Johan Remen Evenson on the jumping hill in Vikersund Norway in 2011. Prior to that jump, the official world record holder was Norway’s Bjoern Einer Rommoeren with a jump of 239m on the jumping hill in Planica. The introduction of this book retells the history of the development of world records. In the last eight years a new record on the flying hill in Planica was not possible. But the best jumpers, especially Simon Ammann, jumped two extremely long jumps (233m and 236.5m) with a very high flight trajectory. Simon Amman became World Champion in Ski Flying in 2010 in Planica. The simulation made on these two jumps showed that in normal circumstances, on a simply bigger jumping hill at HS300m, Simon Ammann could have jumped between 270m and 303m. That is much farther than the current world record of 246.5m. The development of ski flying is now oriented to the distance of 300m. In this book are presented some suggestions about the flying curve and the side profile of the flying hill which allow jumpers to reach distances over 300m. These suggestions are based on biomechanical studies of the flying curve and some examination of the techniques which have been utilized on the jumping hill in Planica in the last five years. The current technique of flying is appropriate for safely reaching 300m with a not significantly faster in-run velocity. The first factor in building the new HS300m flying hill has to be the safety of ski jumpers. The flying hill has to be optimal for the shortest and also the longest jumpers. The new HS300m flying hill must have a good climactic environment and must be sheltered from bad wind conditions. The wind factor could be very important for nice and safe flying on a new HS300m flying hill. The landing profile of the present flying Planica HS 215m hill could be a good base to build the bigger HS 300m jumping hill. To fly over 300m is no longer a utopian fantasy. It is now only the question of time and politics of international ski federation FIS. This book is written for the experts of ski jumping, as well as for all people who are connected to this sport discipline and are interested in ist development in the near future.

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Ihr Werk im Verlag Dr. Kovač

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