Dissertation: Neue Wege in der ambulanten Integrierten Versorgung von Patienten mit psychischen Störungen

Neue Wege in der ambulanten Integrierten Versorgung von Patienten mit psychischen Störungen

Wissenschaftliche Begleitung des Integrierten Versorgungsmodells zur Optimierung der Qualität der psychiatrischen Versorgung in Hamburg

Schriftenreihe Gesundheitswissenschaften, volume 2

Hamburg , 256 pages

ISBN 978-3-8300-7112-9 (print)

ISBN 978-3-339-07112-5 (eBook)

About this book deutschenglish

A significant topic which concerns public health is the focus of the scientific research; the evaluation of the Integrated Care model according to § 140a-d of the Social Security Code (SGB) V. Integrated Care is one of the care concepts with which patients insured under the statutory health insurance scheme can receive coordinated and concerted care. The health care policy did not dictate any mandatory evaluations for Integrated Care. The contracting parties in Integrated Care are requested to determine, monitor and, depending on the result, revise the definition of quality requirements themselves. The lack of a mandatory evaluation resulted in only a few concepts of Integrated Care being independently supported scientifically. This scientific research represents a pilot project for the area of ambulatory psychiatric care. The objective is the deduction of potential indicators for the ambulatory Integrated Care model. After an evaluation and test phase, these indicators are intended to enable the contracting parties to quantify as well as analyse what was achieved alongside the ambulatory care of patients with mental disorders under everyday conditions.

A two-phase, methodical concept was developed for this scientific research. In the first phase, the ACTUAL situation was analysed using a formative evaluation strategy in the Integrated Care model. In the second phase, the summative evaluation, the focus was on the analysis of the already determined secondary data. Potential indicators for measuring quality in the Integrated Care model were derived based on these results.

The initial assessment indicated several positive aspects, which are indicative of treating patients with mental disorders in the Integrated Care model. The results also show that the available secondary data provides a good baseline situation for comparisons and enables deriving potential indicators. The suitability as an indicator for the Integrated Care model was assessed on the basis of the criteria “relevance”, “time and effort for investigation” and “availability of the data”. The relevance of the potential indicators is based on the contractual agreements regarding quality. However, there is data missing for a reliable conclusion in regard to success, which is either not available yet or only inadequately available. Furthermore, recommendations are given for similar Integrated Care concepts based on the results for the contract and care model.

Ihr Werk im Verlag Dr. Kovač

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