Bianca EignerAutismusspektrumstörungen im Kindesalter und Migration
Eine deskriptive und qualitative Analyse von Versorgungsanforderungen
Studien zur Kindheits- und Jugendforschung, volume 71
Hamburg 2021, 470 pages
ISBN 978-3-339-12250-6 (print)
ISBN 978-3-339-12251-3 (eBook)
[…] Bisher gab es eine Forschungslücke in Bezug auf Kinder mit und ohne Migrationshintergrund, die unter den Bedingungen von Autismus leben. Das Autismus-Spektrum gehört zu den lebenslangen tiefgreifenden neuronalen Entwicklungsstörungen. Kernsymptome sind Besonderheiten in der sozialen Interaktion, der Handlungsplanung, Wahrnehmung und dem Verhalten, diese kommen in unterschiedlichen Schweregraden vor. Das Buch stellt Ergebnisse der KIMOM-Studie (Autismusspektrumstörungen bei Kindern mit und ohne Migrationshintergrund im Raum München der LMU München) vor. […]
About this book deutschenglish
Autism spectrum disorders (ASD) are neuronal development disorders with persistent impairments and an early onset. Core symptoms with characteristic in social interaction, action planning, perception and behavior occur in different degrees of severity and presumably affect all people with ASD.
Relatively new are the findings that the symptoms can also be influenced by culture. The question is: are there differences between children with ASD with and without a migration background? Are there differences in early signs, parental concerns, timing of diagnosis, and what strategies are used for care?
The extensive work takes up a research gap and describes the conception of the KIMOM study (autism spectrum disorders in children with and without a migration background in the area of Munich, Germany; LMU Munich). The design includes the use of multiple diagnostic tools for comprehensive parental screening in multiple languages.
After an overview of findings on ASD in cultural contexts, health aspects of a migration biography are discussed. Essential definitions can be found, approaches to classification systems and aetiological basis. Comorbidities and neuropsychological theories as a starting point for the design of learning environments are taught. The diagnosis is explained as well as evidence of interventions. The consideration of ASD over life span shows development processes and describes the high demands on caregivers.
The aim of this book is to contribute to the diversity-specific aspects of ASD. Theoretical and practical implications for research as well as care are discussed in an interdisciplinary manner through relevant findings on the multitude of dimensions. The focus is on medicine, education, psychology/psychotherapy.
The language of the book is German (scientific doctoral thesis).
Bianca Eigner is an M.Sc. Psychologist and scientific Associate in the field of special education. She is active in research and teaching on psychology, diagnostics and child and adolescent psychiatry in the fields of education for intellectual disabilities and education for behavioral disorders, autism and inclusive education.
ASDASSAutism spectrum disordersAutismusspektrumAutismusspektrumstörungenDiagnostikDiversitätElternEntwicklungspsychologieKIMOM-StudieKinderKinder- und JugendpsychiatrieMigrationshintergrundNeuronale EntwicklungsstörungenPsychologieSonderpädagogikVersorgungsanforderungenIhr Werk im Verlag Dr. Kovač
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