Jan BusseEnergiekostenorientierte Ablaufplanung im mittelfristigen Planungszeitraum unter Berücksichtigung von stundenbasierten Strompreisen und Strompreisprognosen
Modelle und Verfahren
Schriftenreihe innovative betriebswirtschaftliche Forschung und Praxis, volume 537
Hamburg 2021, 264 pages
ISBN 978-3-339-12084-7 (print)
ISBN 978-3-339-12085-4 (eBook)
About this book deutschenglish
Due to the continuous expansion of renewable energies and their fluctuating generation capacities, a high volatility of electricity prices on energy markets can be observed in the course of a day. On day-ahead markets, electricity is traded on an hourly basis. This opens up a great potential for manufacturing companies since energy costs can be reduced by shifting energy-intensive jobs into time intervals of low electricity prices and vice versa. Here, the energy costs arise from the job- and machine-specific energy consumption combined with the hourly electricity prices. Unlike common approaches from literature, this work presents a mid-term planning approach, covering a time span of up to four weeks. Typically, electricity prices on day-ahead markets are known 24 hours in advance. Hence, sufficient price forecasts have to be provided in order to meet the requirements of mid-term scheduling. By means of forecasted electricity prices, an energy cost-oriented scheduling is carried out, while a flow shop environment with different job characteristics is investigated. Based on different scenarios, the forecast quality as well as the overall savings potential of the proposed energy cost-oriented scheduling is analyzed. In order to solve the different problem instances, exact as well as heuristic solution procedures are introduced.
AblaufplanungBetriebswirtschaftElektrizitätsmarktEnergiekostenOperations ResearchPlanungszeitraumProduktionsplanungPrognoseverfahrenSchedulingStrombörseStrompreisStrompreisprognoseIhr Werk im Verlag Dr. Kovač
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