Julia WitschelFahrzeugsharing-Systeme
Konzeptionelles Rahmenmodell auf Basis der Produktions- und Systemtheorie
Schriftenreihe innovative betriebswirtschaftliche Forschung und Praxis, volume 539
Hamburg 2021, 330 pages
ISBN 978-3-339-11982-7 (print)
ISBN 978-3-339-11983-4 (eBook)
About this book deutschenglish
In the current discussion about alternatives to private vehicle ownership, shared mobility concepts such as car and bike sharing systems play a central role. Their acceptance is largely determined by adequate space-time availability of the vehicles. Therefore, from the supplier’s point of view, the vehicle availability is the central planning problem. In social science research, this is primarily covered by explanatory and decision-making models for solving management tasks. The models mostly focus on practical aspects of vehicle availability without theoretically substantiating the planning problem in its entirety. Therefore, a generic framework model is developed in the present work, through which vehicle sharing systems can be comprehensively founded in terms of production theory and described in a structured way using general system theory.
BetriebswirtschaftBikesharingCarsharingFahrzeugsharingFahrzeugverfügbarkeitKapazitätsplanungProduktionstheorieSharing EconomySystemtheorieIhr Werk im Verlag Dr. Kovač
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