Granit RatkoceriBlockchain-Technologie und ihre Anwendungsmöglichkeiten
Untersucht im Rahmen der Zahlungssicherung über Außenhandelsdokumente
Außenhandel und Internationales Geschäft, volume 1
Hamburg 2020, 226 pages
ISBN 978-3-339-11516-4 (print)
ISBN 978-3-339-11517-1 (eBook)
[…] Der Autor geht bei seiner Analyse tief ins Detail: Zunächst setzt er sich mit den technischen Grundprinzipien der Blockchain auseinander. Darauf folgt eine Betrachtung der konkreten Anwendungsmöglichkeiten der Technologie - und zwar im Kontext der Zahlungsbesicherung im Außenhandel. Außerdem werden die beteiligten Akteure im internationalen Geschäft kritisch unter die Lupe genommen. In einer leicht verständlichen Sprache schafft es das Buch, dem Leser die aktuellen Einsatzmöglichkeiten und Nutzungspotenziale der Blockchain-Technologie nahe zu bringen - ein Muss für Fachleute und Laien.
About this book deutschenglish
The blockchain technology as one of the most important economic innovations in recent history has changed the work of actors from science and practice in a lasting way. Due to the rapid further development of distributed ledger technology and its diverse fields of application and uses, this digital data register is considered to have enormous potential.
Thus, distributed ledger technology will revolutionize the Internet in the long term. This transformation will therefore also have a massive impact on foreign trade - especially with regard to international payment security. International trade is confronted with new challenges with regard to digitalization and the possible applications and opportunities of distributed ledger technology. These range from changed political and legal guidelines to the development of new markets abroad.
The book is dedicated to the use of new technologies in international business transactions. It shows the possibilities of digitizing foreign trade in the context of payment protection via foreign trade documents. In a first step, the author first of all illuminates the basic technical principles of blockchain technology. He then shows the possible applications and potential benefits of blockchain technology in the context of payment protection in foreign trade.
For this purpose, the functions and the legal character of the foreign trade documents used in international business processing to collateralize international payment transactions are examined. The author also critically explains the roles of the actors and banks involved in international business.
The work is supplemented by an expert interview with Commerzbank Frankfurt am Main. The interviewed expert is a pioneer in the field of practical application of blockchain technology and has already successfully accompanied several blockchain projects. The impulses from the expert interview enrich the work with application-relevant and practical impulses on the use of distributed ledger technology.
AußenhandelAußenhandelsdokumenteBlockchainCordaDigitalisierungDistributed-Ledger-TechnologieDLTDokumentenakkreditiveDokumenteninkassoHyperledgerInternationaler HandelKryptowährungSmart ContractsZahlungssicherungIhr Werk im Verlag Dr. Kovač
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