Doktorarbeit: Jung und gLokal – Zapotekische Jugendliche und Zugehörigkeit

Jung und gLokal – Zapotekische Jugendliche und Zugehörigkeit

HERODOT – Wissenschaftliche Schriften zur Ethnologie und Anthropologie, volume 18

Hamburg , 402 pages

ISBN 978-3-8300-9172-1 (print)

ISBN 978-3-339-09172-7 (eBook)

About this book deutschenglish

JUNG und gLOKAL focuses on the young members of a Zapotec community in the state of Oaxaca, Mexico. The aim of this ethnographical study is to find out how ‘being young’ is socially constructed in the community and in how far young members of the community express and live ‘belonging to the young’ in locally specific ways.

By focusing on the activities and practices of the research participants within the four discussed areas of local tradition (weaving, Feather Dance, cargo-system, Zapotec language), ‘culture’ is presented to the reader as a process. Young people – as it is shown – are playing an active role in this doing (local) culture: Through their manifold negotiations, through their own positioning towards and creative uses of local customs and institutions they form and influence these and hereby create what is locally conceived as ‘youth’. In this sense it is shown that cultural production of young people is by no means restricted to the stylized expressions of urban ‘youth cultures’ that have been highlighted and studied so widely by sociologists; but it occurs multifaceted in the ordinary daily life as well.

With the above described ethnographical study the author would like to contribute to a (Mexican) ‘anthropology of youth’, which is only beginning to form up as a field of research of its own. Young members of an indigenous rural community are shown here as visible actors and producers in the dynamics of gLocal culture by giving them a voice and following their daily activities in transnationally interwoven aspects as well. However, the inclusion of different perspectives – be it within the age-group, be it from adult actors (family members, institutional authorities) or be it from my own field diary, aims at a plurality of voices in the ethnographical description.

Ihr Werk im Verlag Dr. Kovač

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