Sven KerstenDas neurotechnische Enhancement und die strafrechtliche Bewertung der ärztlichen Tätigkeit als Körperverletzung
Strafrecht in Forschung und Praxis, volume 415
Hamburg 2024, 306 pages
ISBN 978-3-339-13752-4 (print)
ISBN 978-3-339-13753-1 (eBook)
About this book deutschenglish
The thesis is dedicated to the topic of technical neuroenhancement and the criminal liability of physicians in Germany. Neuroenhancement refers to the targeted improvement of cognitive abilities with the help of pharmacological substances or technical interventions and is becoming increasingly important in society. A prominent position in the consideration of technical interventions is given to transcranial magnetic stimulation, as the most likely future procedure for enhancing cognitive performance.
The paper begins with a comprehensive introduction to the topic of neuroenhancement, emphasizing its social relevance. The focus, however, is on the legal dimension of the phenomenon, in particular the question of whether physicians who use neuroenhancement methods can be criminally prosecuted for bodily injury under § 223 of the German Penal Code. It is analyzed under which conditions the actions of a physician can be considered as criminal bodily injury and what role the consent of the persons plays. In addition, the extent to which neuroenhancement procedures could be classified as immoral within the meaning of § 228 of the German Panel Code is discussed.
The findings of this in-depth analysis contribute to a deeper understanding of the complex legal and ethical issues surrounding neuroenhancement. In addition, recommendations for possible future legal developments are formulated to assist physicians and individuals in making decisions regarding neuroenhancement.
Overall, the work makes an important contribution to the debate on the regulation and control of neuroenhancement practices in Germany. It contributes to clarifying the criminal liability of physicians for bodily harm in this context and to advancing the societal discussion on this complex topic.
DopingEinwilligungKörperverletzungNeuroenhancementSittenwidrigkeitStrafrechtTiefe HirnstimulationTranskranielle MagnetstimulationIhr Werk im Verlag Dr. Kovač
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