Forschungsarbeit: Mandatsbezogenes Auskunftsverweigerungsrecht des verletzten Zeugen im Strafverfahren

Mandatsbezogenes Auskunftsverweigerungsrecht des verletzten Zeugen im Strafverfahren

Buch beschaffeneBook-Anfrage

Studien zur Rechtswissenschaft, volume 446

Hamburg , 96 pages

ISBN 978-3-339-11806-6 (print)

ISBN 978-3-339-11807-3 (eBook)

About this book deutschenglish

In recent years, the legislator has strengthened the protection of victims by numerous new laws. The injured party has now been given the opportunity to participate fully in the criminal proceedings against the perpetrator through information and participation rights.

At the same time, the injured person also plays a central role in the proceedings as a witness: Most criminal verdicts are based on witness statements and often it is precisely the victim’s own statement that determines the outcome and thus the verdict against the offender.

This dual role of the injured party ‒ as a party to the proceedings on the one hand and as a witness on the other ‒ repeatedly leads to tensions with the rights of the accused.

The question here is in particular whether the injured must answer all questions as a witness or whether ‒ in addition to the legally standardised rights to refuse to give information and to testify ‒ he has an unwritten mandate-related right to refuse to give information, with the consequence that he does not have to answer questions concerning the mandate relationship with his legal counsel.

These issues are the subject of this thesis.

After elaborating on the unwritten mandate-related right to refuse to provide information, its enforcement in criminal proceedings is discussed in more detail. Finally, this study explores why the improved victim protection legislation does not necessarily go hand in hand with restrictions of the rights of the accused.

Ihr Werk im Verlag Dr. Kovač

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