Michael N. RempelJherings Juristisches Kabinett
Das kasuistische Element der Juristenausbildung bei Rudolph von Jhering.
Zugleich ein Beitrag zur Geschichte der Lehre von der Auslegung von Willenserklärungen.
Rechtsgeschichtliche Studien, volume 80
Hamburg 2018, 330 pages
ISBN 978-3-339-10128-0 (print)
ISBN 978-3-339-10129-7 (eBook)
[…] gut, dass mit dem Buch von Michael N. Rempel jetzt erstmals eine Monographie zu diesem Themenbereich vorliegt. Sie enthält wertvolle Ansätze zur bisher stiefmütterlich behandelten Fallpraxis von Jhering als Rechtslehrer im Kontext von Geschichte und Gegenwart juristischer Ausbildung sowie gute Recherchen zur Geschichte der Auslegung von Willenserklärungen im Übergang von der Pandektistik zum BGB bis in die Gegenwart. […]
About this book deutschenglish
In 1847 a young professor lecturing at the lesser known faculty of law in Rostock published a small book, which not only was a remarkable success, but is part of the history of the teaching of law in Germany. The books 14 editions were released in the course of 85 years. The last edition was published 40 years after the death of its famous author, juridical scholar Rudolf von Jhering. After him, other well-known scholars of law like Ferdinand Regelsberger, Theordor Kipp and Paul Oertmann and – for a derived part – Otto Lenel saw to the publishing of ever-changing editions. The book saw translation into several foreign languages. Life and impact of Rudolf von Jhering have been the focus of studies on the history of law in Germany for many times – but his “Zivilrechtsfälle ohne Entscheidungen” (translated civil law cases without decisions) haven´t - until now.
This study traces the impact of the casebook, which had been intended for use in university courses. Analyses of well known-cases, including the Speisekartenfall and the earliest findable version of a coronation case, is provided. The concept behind Jherings teaching methodology is thereby revealed to be close to modern concepts for the teaching of law like i.e. Moot-Courts and Legal Clinics. These forms, which are prevalent in the anglo-american judicial tradition, are compared to Jherings method. This leads to conclusions that do not fit the traditional –and questionable – notion of an overly theoretical, dry pandectistics in 19th century Germany. Remarkably, the book shows that his is equally true of a young Jhering publishing his book as of an older, well-known Jhering, who took part in debates at the Deutscher Juristentag about thirty years later. These debates also demonstrate that many contemporary scholars shared Jherings views regarding judicial teaching methodology.
Auslegung von WillenserklärungenFallsammlungenIntervenierender DritterJuristenausbildungJuristisches KabinettLegal ClinicsMethodengeschichtePandektistikRechtsgeschichteRechtsunterrichtRudolf von JheringSemilodeiSpeisekartenfallZivilrechtsfälle ohne EntscheidungenIhr Werk im Verlag Dr. Kovač
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