Forschungsarbeit: Integrating Process Management in Forward-Looking Organizations

Integrating Process Management in Forward-Looking Organizations

An Interaction Model for Successful Change

Buch beschaffeneBook-Anfrage

Schriftenreihe innovative betriebswirtschaftliche Forschung und Praxis, volume 499

Hamburg , 204 pages

ISBN 978-3-8300-9800-3 (print)

ISBN 978-3-339-09800-9 (eBook)

About this book deutschenglish

Ensuring long-term viability is a major challenge for companies in present times and affects small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), associations and organizations much more than large companies. The continued challenge of always being in motion in order to survive increasingly difficult markets remains unchanged. The dynamics and complexity of markets will not lessen in the future. Many of these companies increasingly find themselves operating in an economic environment characterized by scarce financial, human and innovative resources.

Germany's medium-sized economy plays a significant role in stabilizing economic conditions and ensuring employment and vocational education and training. The tasks and roles of the associations and organizations are as diverse as the society and as versatile as the economy they represent.

It therefore seems worthwhile to concentrate on the introduction of process management into these legal forms. Process management creates transparency, reduces complexity and substantially enhances employee motivation. However, this requires that all those involved, i.e. both managers and staff, understand the process-oriented approaches to thinking and acting. Changes of this dimension are certainly not easy to implement. Man by nature is not necessarily open to change, usually building up a barrier against innovations until they become inevitable. Therefore focus has been put on the potential opportunities, risks and success factors of managers and their employees as the effective indicators of social sustainability. Special attention has been given to all management “phenomena” because not management style is paramount in leadership but the quality of the processes in daily interactions.

The presented opportunities, risks and success factors involved in introducing process management, however, do not imply there is a formulaic solution. Far too different are the organizations, the underlying conditions and the people involved. Nevertheless, it is possible to identify aspects that are pivotal in determining whether introducing process management will be successful or not.

The “Kirschgarten” interaction model elaborated here, describes a virtually ideal procedure. This book hopes to inspire you not to take the easiest way everyone takes, but your own, because true success is not achieved by implementing standards but by implementing individually better solutions.

Ihr Werk im Verlag Dr. Kovač

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