Doktorarbeit: Understanding and Managing Post-Acquisition Integration as Change Process

Understanding and Managing Post-Acquisition Integration as Change Process

Schriften zur Arbeits-, Betriebs- und Organisationspsychologie, Band 55

Hamburg , 526 Seiten

ISBN 978-3-8300-5497-9 (Print)

ISBN 978-3-339-05497-5 (eBook)

Zum Inhalt

In today’s business landscape, corporate acquisitions continue to be an important instrument for achieving strategic objectives. However, studies have shown that 50-70% of acquisitions fail to generate the value expected.

In the integration process following acquisitions, the potential of a deal must be turned into actual value. The post-acquisition integration (PAI) process therefore is critical to the success of an acquisition. Consequently, acquisition failure is often attributed to the integration process and its enormous complexity. Following a change management approach to PAI, this thesis argues that understanding and managing PAI as change process can help managers to better understand and cope with this complexity and the challenges they may face in the process.

What are the typical changes organizations introduce during the post-acquisition integration process? Which unintended developments may occur during the process and in how far can they negatively affect acquisition performance? What role does the psychological contract between employer and employee play during PAI? In how far can ‘soft factors’ make or break a deal? Which instruments are available to managers to facilitate the introduction of intended changes and to manage negative unintended changes?

Based on an in-depth analysis of existing theories, the author discusses these questions and develops a dynamic model of the PAI process. Insights taken from case studies as well as a questionnaire administered among PAI experts with experience in more than 100 PAI processes complete this theoretical discussion and increase the pertinence for practitioners.

With a high level of conceptual and thematic relevance, this book is of interest to decision-makers in organizations that are currently in the process of acquiring or intend to acquire and integrate in future, as well as consultants working in this area.

Ihr Werk im Verlag Dr. Kovač

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