Doktorarbeit: Die Rezeption und Produktion von Klitika im Französischen als Fremdsprache

Die Rezeption und Produktion von Klitika im Französischen als Fremdsprache

Eine Untersuchung griechisch-deutsch bilingualer, italienisch-deutsch bilingualer und deutsch monolingualer Partizipantengruppen – eine sprachwissenschaftliche Arbeit

Buch beschaffeneBook-Anfrage

PHILOLOGIA – Sprachwissenschaftliche Forschungsergebnisse, volume 269

Hamburg , 294 pages

ISBN 978-3-339-13664-0 (print) |ISBN 978-3-339-13665-7 (eBook)

About this book englishenglish

In the context of third language acquisition (L3-research), the languages already acquired can play a facilitating role for the acquisition process of the L3. This work is an empirical contribution in the L3-research in the field of generative linguistics investigating the example of a specific linguistic phenomenon. This study focuses on the acquisition of selected French object pronouns (here: object clitics) by Greek-German bilingual, Italian-German bilingual and German monolingual students. It is analysed whether a potentially positive linguistic transfer of the bilingual students from Greek or Italian into French occurs.

Based on the statistical evaluation of the data examined in this study on French clitic acquisition, significantly higher rates of target language realisations of the bilingual than of the monolingual students can be observed in some cases. In addition, sometimes significantly higher rates of target language realisations of the bilingual students who attended classes in their heritage language than of the other bilingual students can be determined. The rates of target language realisations obtained are based on a large number of participant data of different ages with two preschool languages.

Ihr Werk im Verlag Dr. Kovač

Bibliothek, Bücher, Monitore

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