Doktorarbeit: Tango, Rebellion am Nullpunkt

Tango, Rebellion am Nullpunkt

Eine globale existenzielle Grenzerfahrung

Buch beschaffeneBook-Anfrage

Studien zur Romanistik, volume 38

Hamburg , 534 pages

ISBN 978-3-339-12370-1 (print) |ISBN 978-3-339-12371-8 (eBook)


[...] Wäre der Tango nicht seit 2009 in der Liste des immateriellen Weltkulturerbes der UNESCO, Fedor Pellmanns Tango, Rebellion am Nullpunkt böte dafür umfassende Argumente.

Monika Schumacher und Peter Mötteli in: Tangodanza, 1/2024, S.34ff.

[...] Die gesamte Arbeit zeichnet sich durch eine akribische und vielseitige Beschreibung der Thematik aus, die erkennen lässt, wie intensiv sich der Verfasser damit auseinandergesetzt hat. Die gründliche Recherche zeigt auf, dass es sich beim Tango um ein hervorragendes Beispiel für die kulturelle Entwicklung einer Nation durch deren Bürger handelt, die die Musikszene der Welt bereicherte. Die Hingabe, mit der Fedor Pellmann sich dem Thema widmet, lässt eine intensive persönliche Identifikation mit Land und Leuten seines ehemaligen Tätigkeitsbereiches erkennen. Eine sehr lesenswerte Lektüre.

Rainer E. Wicke in: VDLIA. Deutsche Lehrer im Ausland, 3/2022

About this book deutschenglish

Tango has inspired people the world over for more than 100 years. Outside of Argentina, it is seen mostly as a dance. Yet, because of this popular and superficially exotic guise, it has rarely been examined through a cultural- and intellectual-historical lens, even in modern times. The following interdisciplinary work is one of the few to study the essence of the tango as a global existential experience. At the center of this study lies a bare and vulnerable modern human being who has arrived at the edge of the world at the low point of his existence. In this work, his context in Argentina is described by his various relations to world around him. Between the years 1900 and 1950, waves of immigration led Argentina to experience a sociocultural transformation marked by contradictions. Here, a so-called “peripheral modernity” (Beatriz Sarlo) came into being, manifest in the diverse metropolis of Buenos Aires with its special location and architectural forms as well as in the tango with its dialogic hybrid form. This unique experience of Argentina as a failed “project America” was given expression in a realistic and existential form. Contemporary to European existentialist philosophy, the so-called “tanguidad” thematized in a spiritual, cultural and symbolic space the tragic separation of humankind from its surroundings and relations. Yet, the so-called Porteños took on this existential challenge, rescuing the threatened self through cultural rather than political expression. It takes form in a free, engaging, vivid, and humane cultural practice. The tango takes place in a mythical space that opens up a new and free dimension for life itself. This makes it a liberating experience not only for Argentinians but also for many enthusiasts worldwide.

Ihr Werk im Verlag Dr. Kovač

Bibliothek, Bücher, Monitore

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