Wissenschaftliche Literatur Theology
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Helmut Fuhrmann
Wissenschaft und Religion in den USA
Zur Problematik von Säkularisierungsprozessen im Amerika des 18. und 19. Jahrhunderts
Religion und Religiosität haben in Politik und Gesellschaft der USA nie ihren Stellenwert verloren. Beide sind Teil einer wissenschaftsgeschichtlichen Tradition, der den von Max Weber postulierten Zusammenhang von Fortschritt und Rationalität als Indikatoren des Bedeutungsverlusts der Religion in Frage stellt.
Die konstruktive Koexistenz von Religion und Wissenschaft ist das umfassende Thema dieser Studie, eine Gedankenlinie, die vom Puritanismus über Jonathan…
18. Jahrhundert19. JahrhundertAAASAmerikanistikCoton MatherDemokratische GesellschaftEdward HitchcockFrancis BaconJohn CottonJohn WinthropJonathan EdwardsNatural PhilosopherNatural TheologyNeuenglandPuritanismusRegionalismusReligionSäkularisierungSäkularisierungsprozesseScienceTypologieUSAWissenschaftEdwin Stößinger
Die Theologiekritik von Hans Heinz Holz
THEOS – Studienreihe Theologische Forschungsergebnisse
Hans Heinz Holz (1927–2011) war in seiner Jugend antifaschistischer Widerstandskämpfer. Nach seiner Tätigkeit als Journalist und Redakteur wurde er Philosophieprofessor in Marburg (BRD) und in Groningen (NL).
Er verstand sich als Vertreter der materialistischen Weltanschauung. Trotzdem setzte er sich in filigraner Weise auch mit Ansichten auseinander, die im Gegensatz zu seiner Einstellung standen. Er führte Diskussionen in Studentengemeinden und erwähnte…
DogmengeschichteGottfried Wilhelm LeibnizHans Heinz HolzHesiodKarl BarthMaterialismusMonotheismusNeuplatonismusPhilosophiePolytheismusRudolf BultmannScholastikTheologiekritikTrinitätslehreWiderspiegelungstheorieChristogonus Onyekachi Keke
The Misery of Childless Marriage in Igbo Culture
Re-Consideration of Ecclesiastical Ethical Response to Cultural and Biomedical “Remedies”
Infertility is a universal problem but the crisis it poses for Christian couples in the African cultural context differs from the experience in Western cultures. The root of the problem is the conflict in the understanding of marriage in African culture and the Christian marriage ethics, which makes it difficult for one to remain truly African and happily Christian in the faces of childless marriage. This work demonstrates this using the life context of the Igbo people of…
African CultureAfrikanische KulturArtificial ReproductionBio-MedicineChildlessness (Marriage)Christian EthicsChristian MarriageChristliche EheChristliche EthikEthikIgboIgbo MarriageInfertilityIVFKinderlosigkeitKünstliche BefruchtungMoraltheologieMoral TheologyOsu Caste SystemSolomon Ejah Etonu
Quantitative Growth or Authentic Witnessing to the Gospel?
Catholic Church in Nigeria and the Challenges of Religious Violence
THEOS – Studienreihe Theologische Forschungsergebnisse
This book argues that the Church as people of God, but most particularly, the Catholic Church, fulfils her mission as instrument of salvation when she proclaims the message of Christ to a people in their concrete existential situation. In carrying out this mission, the historical context, cultural and religious heritage, socio-economic reality and tribal differences of the people must never be ignored. Besides, the Church can only succeed in this mission when she…
ArmutBoko-HaramCatholic ChurchCorruptionFriedenInculturationInjusticeInkulturationKatholische KircheKorruptionPeacePovertyProphetic ChurchProphetische KircheReligiöse GewaltReligiöser DialogReligionReligious DialogueReligious ViolenceTerrorismTerrorismusTheologieUngerechtigkeitVincent Moolan Kurian
Beyond Interreligious Tolerance
Mahatma Gandhi – Pioneer of Faith-Based Active Non-Violence as a Response to Oppression and Communal Violence
This book is an exploration of the life and message of Mahatma Gandhi, “the apostle of non-violence“. It is not merely an academic study, but reflects people’s genuine thirst for searching authentic freedom in a world where inhuman, irreligious and unchristian spirit prevails. The spirit and vision of Mahatma Gandhi, the great son of Arsha-Bharata, who gave his life for tolerance and non-violence, and who treated all religions with the same spirit of respect and…
AhimsaCatholic ChurchChristentumChristianityConsensual ViolenceDialogueEthikGewaltGewaltlosigkeitIndiaIndienInterreligiöse ToleranzInterreligious ToleranceMahatma GandhiMoraltheologieMoral TheologyNon-violenceOppressionPioneer of Active Non-ViolenceSatyagrahaUnterdrückungOnyema Anozie
Theological Ethical Moral Series (TEMS) Vol. 2
Thanksgiving, Faith and Morality
THEOS – Studienreihe Theologische Forschungsergebnisse
The Theological Ethical Moral Series (TEMS) Vol. 2 stresses that the need to thank God is more of a virtue, which should be learnt, than a law that prescribes. Virtue springs from life and forms it. The psalms indicate that thanksgiving is not only personal but communal, drawing from a happy reversal of events.
The Eucharist is the principal act of thanksgiving that Jesus Christ instituted. Though the Eucharist essentially is thanksgiving, this doesnt…
AlmsgivingCelebrationCommunityCultureDeliveranceEucharistFaithMoralityOathPromisePsalmsSacrificeThanksgivingTheologyVirtueVowsOnyema Anozie
Theological Ethical Moral Series (TEMS) Vol. 1
Essays on Community Ethics and Divine-Human-Relationship
THEOS – Studienreihe Theologische Forschungsergebnisse
Dieses Buch unterstreicht, dass die Entwicklung (des Menschen) integral sein sollte und nicht lediglich rational; sie sollte die unvergängliche Berufung des Menschen mit einschließen. Es wäre ein fataler Irrtum, eine Entwicklung zu erwägen, die lediglich den sozialen Aspekt des menschlichen Lebens hervorhebt und den geistigen Aspekt missachtet.
Dieses Buch zeigt auf, dass eine integrierte moralische Erziehung durch das Schulsystem während der ersten Jahre der…
AIDSArmutAuthorityAutoritätDevelopmentEcologyEntwicklungEthicsEthikGewaltGnadeGraceHIVHuman PersonJohn Paul IIMenschMoralMoral EducationMoralische ErziehungÖkologiePapst Johannes Paul II.PoliticsPolitikPovertyReconciliationTheologieTheologyVersöhnungViolenceBenoy Joseph
Trinity as an All-embracing Reality
A Study Based on Raimon Panikkar‘s Understanding of Trinity
Schriften zur Religionswissenschaft
This book is an attempt to present Raimon Panikkar’s Trinitarian understanding. The Christian doctrine of the Trinity is seen as an underlying structure of all reality. The author tries to find the Trinitarian roots in the Cosmotheandric vision of Raimon Panikkar. The exposition shows how Panikkar retains the core of the truth of the Trinity and tries to reinterpret this truth in a relevant and intelligible manner to his eastern audience. In doing so Panikkar finds that…
ChristologieChristologyCosmotheandrismDogmaticsDogmatikRaimon PanikkarReligiöser DialogReligious DialogueReligious PluralismSpiritualitätSpiritualityTheologieTheologyTrinitätTrinityWeltreligionenWorld ReligionsChristopher Naseri
The Entry into Jerusalem According to the Gospel of Luke
A Critical and Historical Re-Examination
THEOS – Studienreihe Theologische Forschungsergebnisse
The account of the entry of Jesus into Jerusalem as narrated in the third Gospel (Luke 19,28-40) has its particular Lukan coloration that deserves to be explored.
Many authors have in the past years made considerable contributions in this area, but most of these studies have been made mainly in relation to all the four evangelists. Important Lukan themes therefore still call for attention regarding the account:
What is the importance of the…DiscipleshipExegesisLukeMessiahshipNew TestamentPhariseesScriptureSynopticsTheologieTheologyGodfrey Chukwunyere Oleri
The Dynamic Character of the Mass Media in the Evangelising Mission of the Church in Africa
With Particular Reference to the Nigerian Church
THEOS – Studienreihe Theologische Forschungsergebnisse
Godfrey Chukwunyere Oleri, a native of Umufor Amaimo in Ikeduru Local Government of Imo State was born on 30th Nov. 1958 in Enugu. He Studied philosophy at Bigard Memorial Seminary Ikot Ekpene/Nigeria (1980 –1984) and Theology at Bigard Memoral Seminary Enugu/Nigeria (1985-19899 before his ordination on 12th August 1989 for the catholic diocese of Enugu/Nigeria. He got his Licentiate in Theology in Trier University/Germany in 2004 and Doctorate in the same University in…
AfricaAfrikaCatholic churchEvangelisationFreedom of the PressGlobalisationGlobalisierungInculturationKatholische KircheMassenmedienMass MediaPoliticsPolitikPressefreiheitTheologieTheology