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Wissenschaftliche Literatur Techniques

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Multiple Testing Problems in the Context of Modern Portfolio Theory (Doktorarbeit)Zum Shop

Multiple Testing Problems in the Context of Modern Portfolio Theory


A multiple testing problem occurs when two or more related null hypotheses are tested simultaneously. The classical significance level, which refers to the type I error of an individual test problem, is not suitable for testing a family of hypotheses. This is due to the fact that more than one true null hypothesis may erroneously be rejected. Several approaches to error control taking account of the multiplicity problem have been proposed. The focus of the present work is…

Asset allocationBootstrap methodsCertainty equivalentFamilywise error rateFinanzierungslehreMarkowitzMinimum-Variance strategiesMultiple hypothesis testsMutual fund performanceNaive diversificationNormal-Inverse-Wishart modelPortfolio optimizationRisikomanagementSharpe ratioWirtschaftsstatistik
Applications of Intelligent Systems for News Analytics in Finance (Doktorarbeit)Zum Shop

Applications of Intelligent Systems for News Analytics in Finance

Studien zur Wirtschaftsinformatik

News articles make a very important information source for traders beacuse news stories reach a huge number of people, and they can initiate massive market movements, like panic selling, or massive buying, but they can also lead to more subtle market movements. With the rise of algorithmic trading volume in recent years, the need for quantifying qualitative information in textual news and incorporating that additional information into new trading algorithms…

FinanzenInformatikNatural Language ProcessingNeural NetworksNews AnalyticsStock ExchangeSupport Vector MachinesText Sentiment
Design of a Ski Flying Hill with the Profile HS300m (Forschungsarbeit)Zum Shop

Design of a Ski Flying Hill with the Profile HS300m

A Kinematic Analysis of the Flying Curve of Ski Jumpers

Schriften zur Sportwissenschaft

The main purpose of this book is to design a ski flying hill with the profile HS300m, for the first time, with the help of a kinematic analysis of the flying curve of ski jumpers.

The book is result of the special research project of the Faculty of Sport, University of Ljubljana. Ski flying has become a very popular sport discipline. Today jumpers can fly over 240m. The world’s longest jump of 245.5m was accomplished by Johan Remen Evenson on the jumping hill in…

DevelopmentFlying CurveFlying Hill DesignKinematische AnalysenSimulationSki Flying TechniqueSki JumpingSkispringenSkisprungSportwissenschaft
Spatial Analysis of Solar Water Desinfection (SODIS) and Household Water Management in Slums (Doktorarbeit)Zum Shop

Spatial Analysis of Solar Water Desinfection (SODIS) and Household Water Management in Slums

A Case Study of Kibera Slum, Nairobi, Kenya

GEOGRAPHICA – Schriftenreihe Geowissenschaften und Geographie

Water is a basic need. But due to hydrological, climate, social and political reasons is not available everywhere in the same quantity and quality. According to the World Health Organisation report, approximately 1.1 Billion people, which represent 17% of the global population lack access to safe and adequate drinking water. Unsafe drinking water is one of the reason for high morbidity and mortality, especially of children and elderly people. Contamination of water very…

Bacteriological effectivenessDiarrhoeaDoptionGeographieHealth impactsKeniaKenyaNachhaltigkeitSODISSolar water disinfectionSustainabilityWasserversorgung
Sprachvergleich und Sprachdidaktik (Tagungsband)Zum Shop

Sprachvergleich und Sprachdidaktik

Beiträge zu den 19. GeSuS-Linguistiktagen Freiburg im Breisgau, 2.–4. März 2010

PHILOLOGIA – Sprachwissenschaftliche Forschungsergebnisse

Dieser Sammelband enthält 23 ausgewählte Beiträge zu den 19. Linguistiktagen der Gesellschaft für Sprache und Sprachen (GeSuS e. V.), die vom 2. bis 4. März 2010 in Freiburg im Breisgau stattfanden. Sie beruhen auf Vorträgen, die in der allgemeinen Abteilung oder in den Arbeitskreisen Komparative Syntax, Rechtslinguistik, Phonetik und mündliche (rhetorische) Kommunikation, Sprachdidaktik und Onomastik gehalten wurden oder dafür…

The Problem of Missing Residential Mobility Information in the German Microcensus (Dissertation)Zum Shop

The Problem of Missing Residential Mobility Information in the German Microcensus

An Evaluation of Two Statistical Approaches with the Socio-Economic Panel

QM – Quantitative Methoden in Forschung und Praxis

The German Microcensus (MC) is a large scale rotating panel survey over three years. Because of its high case numbers and its mandatory participation the MC is a valuable survey for longitudinal analyses within a 3 years frame. A serious obstacle is the missing information about residential movers which is due to the area sampling approach used for the MC. This raises the questions whether longitudinal analyses, like transitions between labour market states, are biased…

BetriebswirtschaftslehreGEEGeneralized estimating equationsInverse probability weightingIPWLabour market analysisMissing dataPanel surveyResidential mobilitySelection modelsStatistik
An Analysis of Road Traffic Accidents Using Geographic Information Systems (GIS) (Dissertation)Zum Shop

An Analysis of Road Traffic Accidents Using Geographic Information Systems (GIS)

The Case of Nairobi City, Kenya

Verkehrspolitik in Forschung und Praxis

Road traffic accidents remain a daunting public health problem with an estimated 1.2 million people killed annually worldwide. Some 50 million persons are injured and incapacitated in road crashes around the globe every year. Developing countries, which have been experiencing an ever increasing number of road deaths and injuries, are the hardest hit, accounting for the vast majority. The implication is that road crashes place severe financial and human-resource…

Accident AnalysisCountermeasureDeveloping CountriesGeographic Information SystemGISGlobal Positioning SystemGPSKenyaLocation ReferencingNairobiPolitikwissenschaftPublic HealthRegionale FallbeispieleRoad CrashesRoad DeathsRoad InjuriesRoad PolicyRoad Safety PolicyRoad Traffic AccidentsUnfallanalyseVerkehrsforschungVerkehrsplanungVerkehrspolitikVerkehrsunfall
Business Intelligence: Methods and Applications (Festschrift)Zum Shop

Business Intelligence: Methods and Applications

Essays in Honor of Prof. Dr. Hans-J. Lenz

Studien zur Wirtschaftsinformatik

This Festschrift is a collection of articles by colleagues and (former) students of Prof. Hans-J. Lenz to honor his work in the field of Business Intelligence.

The 18 articles provide interesting insights into many methods and applications of this innovative topic, such as data warehousing, statistics, graphical models, data mining and decision support techniques, as well as forecasting, simulation, and controlling. [...]

Business IntelligenceData MiningData WarehousingDecision SupportInformaticsInformatikProf. Dr. Hans-J. LenzStatistics
GENGED: Visual Definition of Visual Languages (Dissertation)Zum Shop

GENGED: Visual Definition of Visual Languages

based on Algebraic Graph Transformation

Forschungsergebnisse zur Informatik

Master Ittei said, „In calligraphy it is progress when the paper, brush and ink are in harmony“ [Yam79]. Today in software modeling and specification we are far away from this principle. Visual specifications might be a step in the right direction. We built the GENGED environment to make software modeling and specification easy and reliable. The visual definition of visual languages and the generation of an appropriate editor contains a great potential to bring more…

GENGEDGraphgrammatikInformatikKlassendiagrammProgrammierspracheSoftware-EntwicklungVisual languageVisuelle SpracheVisuelle Umgebung