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Wissenschaftliche Literatur Techniques

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Searching for Identity Through the Negotiation of Cultural Differences (Doktorarbeit)Zum Shop

Searching for Identity Through the Negotiation of Cultural Differences

A Study of Chinese Diasporic Literature

POETICA – Schriften zur Literaturwissenschaft

This study concerns how Chinese diasporic writers cross the cultural boundaries to resolve identity problems within the tensions between their land of descent and place of dwelling, and how they open up spaces through writing to negotiate cultural conflicts and use literary presentation to revise and redefine identity. Drawing inspirations from theories on identity (G.H. Mead et al) and cultural studies (G. Hofstede et al), the author combines theoretical approaches with…

Chinese DiasporaCultural DifferenceGBGreat BritainIdentityModernityNegotiationReference GroupRepresentationThe United StatesTraditionUSA
Transfer of Studies Regarding Environmental Problems to the Field of Economy Through Education (Sammelband)Zum Shop

Transfer of Studies Regarding Environmental Problems to the Field of Economy Through Education

EUB. Erziehung – Unterricht – Bildung

The scientific monograph entitled Transfer of the Environmental Problems in the Economy Through Education is an important interdisciplinary work, dealing with ecology, agriculture, education and the environment. The monograph encompasses 11 scientific studies prepared by 22 authors, either as individual authors or as co-authors. Each contribution presents a clearly defined research problem, methodology and citation of references. The development of ecological…

Eco-ArtEcological EducationEcological ThinkingEcologyEducationEnvironmental ProtectionSustainabilitySustainable Development
Statistical Literacy Among Secondary School Students (Forschungsarbeit)Zum Shop

Statistical Literacy Among Secondary School Students

Achieving a Higher Level of Statistical Literacy

Studien zur Schulpädagogik

The statistical education should be in step with modern didactic trends, which recommend the use of statistics in relation to everyday life and thus develop and improve statistical literacy. But as statistics is made part of mathematics instruction, solving statistical problems tends to be dominated by mathematical thinking, emphasizing mathematical models, methods and procedures, with the techniques being more important than the statistical problem itself. There is not…

Critical interpretationDidacticsDidaktikErziehungswissenschaftKritische InterpretationMathematicsMathematics classesMathematikReal-life situationRealistic contextSecondary schoolStatistical educationStatistical literacyStatistical thinkingStatisticsStatistikStatistikunterrichtStatistisches DenkenWeiterführende Schule
Forensic Science in Rwanda (Sammelband)Zum Shop

Forensic Science in Rwanda

Developments, Synergies and New Actions

Forschungsergebnisse aus dem Institut für Rechtsmedizin der Universität Hamburg

Looking at Rwanda’s past and considering its future with the aim of becoming a middle-income nation makes it obvious that forensic medicine is a required need for the development of the nation. Some of the crimes of the past may still be unresolved due to lack of forensic medicine capabilities, and yet the rate of development could now mean even more sophistication in crime, which will call for equally advanced techniques in forensic practice. [...]

AusbildungForensic medicineForensische AnthropologieGenozidIdentifikationRechtsmedizinRuandaRwandaSicherheitWeiterbildung
Care for the Elderly in Germany: Efficiency, Productivity and their Determinants (Doktorarbeit)Zum Shop

Care for the Elderly in Germany: Efficiency, Productivity and their Determinants

An Empirical Analysis for the Years 1999 to 2009

Schriftenreihe Gesundheitswissenschaften

By 2030 the number of persons of working age in Germany will drop by 7.5 million to 42.2 million, relative to the reference year 2008. Thus, the social security system in Germany faces a shrinking number of potential contributors while supporting a growing number of benefit recipients cared for by a shrinking number of potential nurses. One way to reduce the burden on the care insurance is to increase the efficiency and productivity of the production of elderly care…

AltenpflegeCare for the elderlyData Envelopment AnalysisEffektivitätEfficiencyFormal home care providersGesundheitsökonomieMalmquist-IndexNursing HomesPflegedienstPflegeheimProductivityProduktivitätReturns of saleVolkswirtschaftslehre
A Multilingual Focus on Contrastive Phraseology and Techniques for Translation (Sammelband)Zum Shop

A Multilingual Focus on Contrastive Phraseology and Techniques for Translation

Schriften zur Vergleichenden Sprachwissenschaft

The most important problem that translating phraseological units from one language to another usually presents is that of finding an appropriate equivalent in the target language. This fundamental topic is debated by the seventeen specialists that take part in the collective work at hand. It is with this end in mind that they pose diverse techniques in order to demonstrate that finding such an appropriate equivalent depends not only on the skill of the translator, but…

Selected Scheduling Applications (Doktorarbeit)Zum Shop

Selected Scheduling Applications

QM – Quantitative Methoden in Forschung und Praxis

The first chapter is dedicated to a general introduction into scheduling. Among the basic concepts in scheduling, machine scheduling, general methodologies for solving scheduling problems, scheduling formulations and definitions in computational complexity are illustrated. The first chapter ends with a brief synopsis.

In chapter 2, the yard crane scheduling and routing problem is addressed. More precisely, it is focussed on the job scheduling and crane routing…

AblaufplanungBetriebswirtschaftslehreComputational ComplexityMachine SchedulingMixed-Integer ProgrammingMovie SchedulingOperations ResearchRosteringSchedulingStudents SchedulingTimetablingYard-Crime Scheduling and Routing
Quantitative Credit Risk Management for Credit Limit Control of Subscribers to Mobile Communication Services (Dissertation)Zum Shop

Quantitative Credit Risk Management for Credit Limit Control of Subscribers to Mobile Communication Services

Schriften zum Mobile Commerce und zur Mobilkommunikation

Protecting the base of existing customers from churn is a strategic lever for revenue protection of mobile communication service providers. Understanding customers’ sensitivities to changes in billing amounts creates an under-valued opportunity to reduce customer churn for non-payment.

Leveraging credit risk techniques from the financial industry, a framework for customer segmentation based on spending behaviour is presented. By significantly improving…

BonitätsprüfungCredit ScoringKreditrisikomanagementKreditwürdigkeitMobilkommunikationStatistikWirtschaftsinformatikZahlungsausfall
An Engineering Contribution to Human Gait Biomechanics (Dissertation)Zum Shop

An Engineering Contribution to Human Gait Biomechanics

Schriftenreihe naturwissenschaftliche Forschungsergebnisse

Walking is something we do every day without thinking much about it. Therefore it is surprising to learn, how little we know about mechanics and control of walking. This becomes obvious when you look at contemporary anthropomorphic walking machines, that are far from moving as dynamic as their human archetypes.

Reduced models are able to explain the general mechanics of human gait and unveil fascinating potential for novel control techniques. Still, they are…

BiologyBiomechanicsBiomechanikBiomechatronicsBiomechatronikDynamic walking robotElectromechanical simulationEngineeringGround contact modelKinesiologyMedicineModel-based controlPhysicsPsychologyRoboticsSpring mass modelWalking machines
Phraseodidactic Studies on German as a Foreign Language/ Phraseodidaktische Studien zu Deutsch als Fremdsprache (Sammelband)Zum Shop

Phraseodidactic Studies on German as a Foreign Language/ Phraseodidaktische Studien zu Deutsch als Fremdsprache

LINGUA – Fremdsprachenunterricht in Forschung und Praxis

Phraseological competence is one of the main challenges for language learners. Phraseodidactics, as one of the applied fields of Phraseology, fosters this competence by providing teachers and students with certain tools and techniques. In this collective volume, eight specialists put forward the relevance of this field and formulate guidelines for a good acquisition of phraseological units in German as a foreign language. They confront theoretical and practical principles…

Cognitive ProcessesDeutsch als FremdspracheDidacticsGerman as a Foreign LanguageIdiomsLanguage LearningPhraseodidacticsTranslation