Wissenschaftliche Literatur Stock Market Efficiency
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Georg Bestelmeyer
Equity Markets and the Real Economy
The author analyzes the influence of investors’ macroeconomic expectations on the U.S. equity market by focusing on three central issues: First, “Do investors’ equity risk premia expectations depend on overall business conditions? Hereby, the importance of economic conditions for doubtlessly one of the most essential value drivers of stockmarkets is tackled. The knowledge of how strong the real economic situation influences equity risk premia expectations and thus the level of stock values is of high importance for every investor planning his asset allocation or an…
Asset PricingBusiness CycleEquity RiskInformation ProcessingLeading Economic IndexMacroeconomic AnnouncementsRechnungswesenStock Market EfficiencyAlexandra Niessen
The Price Impact of Macroeconomic News on Capital Markets
The core question of this book is how macroeconomic information impacts asset prices. Macroeconomic announcements are important for asset prices, because they provide information on current and future economic conditions. They are widely discussed by investors and extensively covered by the public press.
This book shows that a wide range of asset classes strongly reacts to the release of macroeconomic news. It consists of a theoretical part and an empirical part. The theoretical part presents valuation models for the bond market, the stockmarket, and the…
Asset PricingBayesian LearningBetriebswirtschaftslehreFinanzmanagementInformation ProcessingMacroeconomic AnnouncementsSequential InformationStock Market EfficiencyHäufige Schlagworte im Fachgebiet Betriebswirtschaft