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Regionalism and Political Instability in West Africa: Developments, Challenges and Prospects (Dissertation)Zum Shop

Regionalism and Political Instability in West Africa: Developments, Challenges and Prospects

Schriften zur internationalen Politik

The study of regions is critical to our understanding of global politics. Post-colonial West Africa has for decades attracted international headlines for many bad reasons. Central among these are various acts of political instability involving military coups, civil wars, irredentists claims, circulation of small arms and weapons and the competition for natural resources. Despite some modest achievements in recent times, post independent West Africa continues to be haunted…

ColonialismCorruptionCôte d‘IvoireDemocracyEconomic DevelopmentGood GovernanceInternational RelationsPolitical InstabilityRegionalismTerrorismTransnational Organised Crimes
Bitcoins as Legal Tender (Forschungsarbeit)Zum Shop

Bitcoins as Legal Tender

An Evaluation from an Economic Perspective

Schriftenreihe volkswirtschaftliche Forschungsergebnisse

Until today Bitcoins are enjoying increasing popularity in the media and in reality. They are not regulated and only exist virtually. The maximum amount of Bitcoins in circulation is defined from the outset, so these Bitcoins are (in theory) inflation-proof. The exclusively digital nature of Bitcoins makes them divisible, so the restriction on the amount of coins in circulation does not conflict with its suitability as a global means of exchange. At the same time,…

BetriebswissenschaftBitcoinBlockchainBWLDigitale WährungDigitalisierungFinanzwissenschaftGesetzliche ZahlungsmittelKrytpowährungLegal TenderWährung
Reliability and Validity of the Skijumping Technique Factors (Forschungsarbeit)Zum Shop

Reliability and Validity of the Skijumping Technique Factors

Schriften zur Sportwissenschaft

The new book by the experienced authors in sports presents research in the ski jumping technique based on selected dynamic and kinematic factors.

Ski jumping is a technically challenging sport and the most important for jump realization are stability, reliability and validity.

The authors divided the ski jumping technique into a sequence of specific movements in four phases (in-run, take-off, flight, and landing), and gave a detailed explanation of…

AccuracyAerodynamic indexFlight phaseIn-run phaseJumping techniquePerformanceReliabilitySki jumpingSkijumpingSkispringenSportwissenschaftStabilityTake-off phaseTechnique factorValidity
International Regulatory Measures for OTC Derivatives Markets Within the Strengthened International Financial Regulatory Framework (Dissertation)Zum Shop

International Regulatory Measures for OTC Derivatives Markets Within the Strengthened International Financial Regulatory Framework

Schriften zum Bank- und Kapitalmarktrecht

This study addresses international regulatory measures for OTC derivatives adopted at the G20 Pittsburgh summit in 2009. The regulatory measures represent a collective response by regulators to the challenges posed by these financial instruments in particular and by the global financial crisis in general.

However, the adopted international regulatory measures initially construed to capture risks associated with OTC derivatives, like for e.g. counterparty credit…

BankrechtEMIREuroparechtEuropean Market InfrastructureFinanzmarktregulierungG20 Regulatory reformsInternationale FinanzarchitekturInternationale finanzielle StandardsInternationales RechtInternational Financial ArchitechtureInternational Financial StandardsKapitalmarktrechtOTCOver-the-Counter DerivateRegulation
Bounded Rationality in Duopoly Games (Dissertation)Zum Shop

Bounded Rationality in Duopoly Games

Schriftenreihe volkswirtschaftliche Forschungsergebnisse

This study consists of four independent research papers covering different duopoly models. Chapter 1, 2 and 3 deal with bounded rational firms in a dynamic framework, whereas in chapter 4 a static model is considered. In chapter 1 the joint paper `Generalized adaptive expectations dynamics in two-stage games‘ with Herbert Dawid is introduced. The paper `Duopoly games with limited information sets‘ is presented in chapter 2. Chapter 3 deals with the joint paper with Seppo…

Adaptive ExpectationsBest response dynamicsBounded RationalityCost ExternalitiesDynamical SystemsNash EquilibriumOligopoly GamesStabilitySubgame perfect Nash equilibriumSubjective CostsSubjective DemandVolkswirtschaftslehre
From the Lisbon Strategy to Europe 2020 and Beyond (Dissertation)Zum Shop

From the Lisbon Strategy to Europe 2020 and Beyond

Rethinking the Rationale for a Common European Economic Policy

EURO-Wirtschaft – Studien zur ökonomischen Entwicklung Europas

During the last couple of years the lack of competitiveness of many European economies has been brutally exposed. This book presents a detailed analysis of the failed attempt of the European Commission to enhance competitiveness and rethinks the rationale for delegating competences to the EU.

The Lisbon Strategy, which was initiated in 2000, has failed to attain the goal of turning Europe into the most competitive and dynamic economy in the world. In 2010 the…

Austrian School of EconomicsBenchmarkingCompetitivenessEconomic GovernmentEconomic PolicyEurope 2020European IntegrationEuropean Social ModelLisbon Strategy
Stable Networks in Static and Dynamic Models of Network Formation (Doktorarbeit)Zum Shop

Stable Networks in Static and Dynamic Models of Network Formation

Schriftenreihe volkswirtschaftliche Forschungsergebnisse

Die Vernetzung von Individuen durch soziale Netzwerke, die Beziehungen zwischen Unternehmen (z.B. Beteiligungen und F&E Kooperationen), die internationalen Handelsbeziehungen von Ländern, bis hin zu der komplizierten Vernetzung der Finanzwelt, all dies lässt sich durch ein Netzwerk repräsentieren. Viele dieser Netzwerke unterliegen starken strukturellen Veränderungen und haben entscheidenden Einfluss auf den jeweiligen Wirtschaftszweig. [...]

DynamicsDynamikEfficiencyEffizienzEindeutigkeitExistenceExistenzGame theoryNetworksNetzwerkeSpieltheorieStabile NetzwerkeStabilitätStabilityStable networksStrucute of stable networksStruktureigenschaftenUniquenessVolkswirtschaftslehre
Hydrological Regionalism in the Mekong and the Nile Basin (Dissertation)Zum Shop

Hydrological Regionalism in the Mekong and the Nile Basin

International Politics Along Transboundary Watercourses

Schriften zur internationalen Politik

As bipolarism was dissolving, in the 1990s, the perceived threat of nuclear war decreased, while the demand for a redefinition, or rather expansion of the term and comprehension of international security has increased. The concept of “ecological vulnerability” is a brainchild of this process and has significantly influenced the post-Cold War security debate.

According to this concept, the security risks deriving from ecologically generated instability were…

ConflictsCooperationsEnvironmentInternationale BeziehungenInternational RelationsKonflikteKooperationMekong RiverNil RiverOstafrikaPolitikwissenschaftResourcesRessourcenSüdostasienUmweltWasserWater
Sustainable Federalism (Doktorarbeit)Zum Shop

Sustainable Federalism

Theory and Applications

Schriftenreihe volkswirtschaftliche Forschungsergebnisse

When it comes to sustainability, most people, particularly in Europe, think of an environmental concept to conserve access to natural resources for our offspring. Rooted in forestry, any concept would be called sustainable that ensures long-term use of a certain resource without exploiting its stock. The United Nations’ environmental summit of Rio de Janeiro in 1991 further manifested sustainability as a purely environmental concept. Sustainable development was defined as…

Deutsche BundesländerFiscal FederalismFiscal SustainabilityFiskalföderalismusFiskalische NachhaltigkeitGenerationenbilanzierungNachhaltigkeitRatings öffentlicher AnleihenUS BundesstaatenVolkswirtschaftslehre
On the Nature of Fundamental-based and Panic-based Bank Runs (Doktorarbeit)Zum Shop

On the Nature of Fundamental-based and Panic-based Bank Runs

An Analysis of the Origins of Bank Runs

Schriftenreihe volkswirtschaftliche Forschungsergebnisse

In the last decades, bank runs appeared to be a relic of the past. The run incidents during the recent global financial crisis have however shown that the threat of bank runs has not vanished and still represents a severe problem for the stability and performance of modern economies‘ banking systems.

The causes of bank runs and their economic consequences are the subject of this book. A theoretical model of an economy‘s banking sector is developed in which bank…

Asymmetric InformationBank PanicsBank RunsDemand Deposit ContractDeposit InsuranceDiamond-DybvigEinlagensicherungFinancial CrisisFinancial IntermediationFinanzkriseGlobal GamesGoldstein-PauznerInformation EconomicsSichteinlageSuspension of ConvertibilityTheorie globaler SpieleVolkswirtschaftslehre