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The European Union and China in Africa (Forschungsarbeit)Zum Shop

The European Union and China in Africa

Explaining Conflict and Cooperation with International Relations Theory

Regensburger Studien zur Internationalen Politik

The Chinese quest for African resources, market opportunities, and political influence in African countries has caught the attention of Western media and analysts. The depiction of Beijing’s „safari“ into Africa mainly presents a negative image of the Chinese engagement: China is said to risk political stability on the continent by politically and economically supporting autocratic governments, to import its low environmental and labor standards when investing into…

AfricaChinaChinesische AfrikapolitikEUEU-China-BeziehungenEuropaEuropäische AfrikapolitikEuropäische UnionEuropeanInternationale BeziehungenInternationale PolitikInternational RelationsKognitiver EvolutionismusNeoliberaler InstitutionalismusNeorealismusPolitikwissenschaft