22 Bücher 

Wissenschaftliche Literatur Psychology

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An Engineering Contribution to Human Gait Biomechanics (Dissertation)Zum Shop

An Engineering Contribution to Human Gait Biomechanics

Schriftenreihe naturwissenschaftliche Forschungsergebnisse

Walking is something we do every day without thinking much about it. Therefore it is surprising to learn, how little we know about mechanics and control of walking. This becomes obvious when you look at contemporary anthropomorphic walking machines, that are far from moving as dynamic as their human archetypes.

Reduced models are able to explain the general mechanics of human gait and unveil fascinating potential for novel control techniques. Still, they are…

BiologyBiomechanicsBiomechanikBiomechatronicsBiomechatronikDynamic walking robotElectromechanical simulationEngineeringGround contact modelKinesiologyMedicineModel-based controlPhysicsPsychologyRoboticsSpring mass modelWalking machines
Integration der Repertory Grid Technik in das Anforderungsmanagement – IngGrid (Dissertation)Zum Shop

Integration der Repertory Grid Technik in das Anforderungsmanagement – IngGrid

Cottbuser Schriften zum Qualitätsmanagement

Kundenorientierung und das Verständnis der Kundenanforderungen, inklusive emotionaler Sichtweisen derer, stehen zukünftig noch mehr im Fokus der Produktentwicklung. Allein die Wahrnehmung und Empfindung über ein Produkt werden sich für Unternehmen zu einem bedeutenden Themengebiet herausbilden. Mit dieser Studie soll zum einen ein Bewusstsein für die Unabdingbarkeit, Kunden in die Produktentwicklung einzubinden, entwickelt werden und zum anderen die bevorstehende…

AnforderungsmanagementIngenieurwissenschaftIngGridKano MethodikKansei EngineeringsKundenintegrationProduktentwicklungQuality Function DeploymentRepertory Grid
A Management Diagnostic Approach for Assessing Innovation Capabilities (Doktorarbeit)Zum Shop

A Management Diagnostic Approach for Assessing Innovation Capabilities

Empirical Evidence from Three German Family Firms

Schriftenreihe innovative betriebswirtschaftliche Forschung und Praxis

Everyone talks about business innovation, and this has become increasingly important during the GFC and its aftermath. Although innovation is so desirable, few people actually know how to make it happen – and if they can make it happen, it is usually with huge costs attached. After studying high performing, innovative German firms, the author developed a step-by-step process for understanding and introducing innovation into the firm. He shows how the elements of…

BetriebswirtschaftChangeFamily FirmInnovationLeadershipOrganisational DiagnosisOrganisational PsychologyUnternehmensführung & Organisation
The Dawning of the Dragon – A Developmentally Focussed Cross-Cultural Study of Terror Management Theory (Doktorarbeit)Zum Shop

The Dawning of the Dragon – A Developmentally Focussed Cross-Cultural Study of Terror Management Theory

Schriften zur Sozialpsychologie

The book focuses on broadening the validity and applicability of Terror Management Theory (TMT); one of today’s most influential psychological theories in intergroup relations. However, until today some aspects have been totally neglected by Terror Management research thereby leaving questions regarding the theory’s validity and applicability unanswered. This book sets out to tackle these issues. It does so by concentrating on three main aspects that are dramatically…

AcculturationAdolescentsAkkulturationAussiedlerChildrenDevelopmental PsychologyEntwicklungspsychologieIingroup IdentificationIngroup CohesionInterkulturelle PsychologieJugendlicheKinderOutgroup DerogationPsychologieSozialspychologieSurvey StudyTerror Management TheoryTürkische MigrantenTurkish MigrantsUncertainty TheoryUngewissheit
The Impact of Market Liberalization on Knowledge Sharing in the Utilities Industry (Doktorarbeit)Zum Shop

The Impact of Market Liberalization on Knowledge Sharing in the Utilities Industry

An Exploratory Study of Self-Organizing Processes

Strategisches Management

The book originates from the organizational transformation processes in the German utilities industry that were triggered by market liberalization. It approaches the issue of violated trust within the utilities industry from an intra-organizational perspective. Trust is a key component of psychological contracts that, in turn, vastly influence the behaviour and commitment of employees. There are still only a few studies that address the situational context surrounding a…

BetriebswirtschaftslehreCommunities of PracticeKnowledge SharingManagementMarket LiberalizationMarktliberalisierungOrganisationOrganizational BehaviourOrganizational PsychologyPsychological ContractUtilities Industry
Semantic Influences on Episodic Memory (Dissertation)Zum Shop

Semantic Influences on Episodic Memory

ERP and fMRI Evidence

Studienreihe psychologische Forschungsergebnisse

Recognition memory based on familiarity judgments is a form of declarative memory that has been repeatedly associated with the anterior medial temporal lobe. It has been argued that this region sustains familiarity-based recognition not only by retrieving item-specific information but also by coding for those semantic aspects of an event that support later familiarity-based recognition.
Neuroimaging findings clearly demonstrate that different forms of…

EEGEpisodicERPFunctional MRIHippocampusLinguisticsPrefrontal CortexPsychologiePsychologyRecognition MemoryRhinal CortexROCsSemantics
Error Monitoring in Sequence Learning (Dissertation)Zum Shop

Error Monitoring in Sequence Learning

An ERP Investigation on the Role of Expectancy Violations

Studienreihe psychologische Forschungsergebnisse

Actions that are followed by positive events are more likely to be repeated in the future, while actions that are followed by negative outcomes are less likely to be repeated. This implies that behavior has to be evaluated in the light of its potential consequences, and non-reward events (i.e., errors) must be detected for reinforcement learning to take place. In other words, humans constantly monitor their performance in order to detect and correct errors, and this…

ERN/NeError-related negativityError MonitoringEvent-related potentialsExpectancy ViolationsImplicit LearningPsychologiePsychologySequence Learning
A Prototype of Borderline Personality Organization (Dissertation)Zum Shop

A Prototype of Borderline Personality Organization

Assessed by the Structured Interview of Personality Organization (STIPO)

Studienreihe psychologische Forschungsergebnisse

The diagnosis of personality disorders is a challenging task for clinicians and researchers, as the appropriate treatment depends to a large degree on a well-founded diagnosis. Examined in this study is the classification of personality pathology according to Otto Kernberg’s psychoanalytic theory of personality organization, which proposes a dimensional model and classifies personality according to levels of psychic structure. The Structured Interview of Personality…

BorderlineDiagnosisDiagnostikDissertationOtto KernbergPersönlichkeitsorganisationPersönlichkeitsstörungenPersonality DisordersPersonality OrganizationPsychologiePsychologyPsychotherapiePsychotherapySTIPO
Ostdeutsche Frauen haben (k)eine Chance (Doktorarbeit)Zum Shop

Ostdeutsche Frauen haben (k)eine Chance

Doing Identity 15 Jahre nach der deutsch-deutschen Vereinigung

FEMINAT – Studien zur Frauenforschung

Der Autor beschäftigt sich mit psychologischen und soziologischen Problemen der personalen und kollektiven Identität und nimmt dabei einen kulturpsychologischen Blickwinkel ein. Dabei wird den zumeist statischen Konzeptionen ein Prozessmodell namens Doing Identity entgegengestellt.

Dieses Modell lehnt sich dem Foucaultschen Konzept der »Ästhetik der Existenz« an, dass dessen Spätwerk beschäftigte. Doing Identity bezeichnet eine Identitätsarbeit, die sich zum…

ArbeitslosigkeitBRDDDRDiskursanalyseIdentitätsarbeitKollektive IdentitätKulturpsychologieMichel FoucaultPersonale IdentitätPsychologieSoziologie
How Theories About Others Bias Social Memory (Doktorarbeit)Zum Shop

How Theories About Others Bias Social Memory

Goals of Others and Person Memory

Studienreihe psychologische Forschungsergebnisse

Sowohl Enkodierung als auch der Abruf von Informationen sind in starkem Maße durch Erwartungen geprägt. Dieser Zusammenhang konnte in der bisherigen Forschung für Erwartungen bzgl. stabiler Eigenschaften und bzgl. typischer Abläufe (Skripten) gezeigt werden. In einer Verbindung beider Forschungsstränge wird in der vorliegenden Arbeit gezeigt, dass Schlussfolgerungen über die konkreten Ziele einer anderen Person die Rekonstruktion einer Episode erleichtern. Es wird…

Abruf Prozesseincongruency effectsInkongruenzeffektePersonengedächtnisperson memoryPsychologieretrival processessocial cognitionsocial psychologySoziale KognitionSozialpsychologie