Wissenschaftliche Literatur Protection
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Sebastian Zurheide
Revenue Management in Liner Shipping
Logistik-Management in Forschung und Praxis
In the recent past, the liner shipping industry has taken many steps to create a more suitable environment for the use of revenue management methods. More reliable services, daily services, or loading protection fees improve the service for the customer and offer segmentation options for the carriers. Hence, different booking classes can be created with different service values for the customers, and revenue management methods can be used as decision support for the…
Bid-PriceBooking LimitsContainerlogistikDecision SupportDiscrete-Event SimulationLiner ShippingLogistikMathematische OptimierungOperations ResearchRevenue ManagementWirtschaftsinformatikFalk Wagner
Quantitative Credit Risk Management for Credit Limit Control of Subscribers to Mobile Communication Services
Schriften zum Mobile Commerce und zur Mobilkommunikation
Protecting the base of existing customers from churn is a strategic lever for revenue protection of mobile communication service providers. Understanding customers’ sensitivities to changes in billing amounts creates an under-valued opportunity to reduce customer churn for non-payment.
Leveraging credit risk techniques from the financial industry, a framework for customer segmentation based on spending behaviour is presented. By significantly improving…
BonitätsprüfungCredit ScoringKreditrisikomanagementKreditwürdigkeitMobilkommunikationStatistikWirtschaftsinformatikZahlungsausfallAnna Lytvynyuk
Fundamental Rights Operation in Private Law
A Comparative Study of Legal Solutions
The book analyses how fundamental rights operate in private law on the example of judicial enforcement of fundamental rights. Five distinct ways of such judicial adjudication in a private law case involving a fundamental right are identified and examined in ten European countries: England and Wales, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, the Netherlands, Poland and Spain.
The finding of the comparative analyses presents answers to the questions of…
balancing of fundamental rightsconstitutional jurisprudenceFundamental RightsLüthObjektive Schutzpflichtprivate autonomyPrivate Lawproportionality testprotection of a weaker partyprotective rightsRechtswissenschaftsocial state principleState duty to protect fundamental rightsJoanna Krzeminska-Vamvaka
Freedom of Commercial Speech in Europe
Studien zum Völker- und Europarecht
Due to the politicisation of commercial life and the commercialisation of political life the freedom of expression enters new territories and triggers conflicts in areas to which fundamental rights considerations have been rather unusual so far. The companies participate in public debates or advertise with reference to social or environmental problems. In Germany the civil courts adopted a very strict approach to this type of advertising and held that it contravened the…
Commercial speechComparative constitutional lawEuropean UnionFreedom of speechFundamental rightsInternational LawRechtswissenschaftUnfair competition lawBjörn Enders
Hedge-Fonds im Steuerrecht der USA
Eine branchenspezifische Untersuchung vergleichend zum deutschen Recht
Steuerrecht in Forschung und Praxis
Während Hedge-Fonds in den USA nunmehr seit Jahrzehnten als Teil der sogenannten alternativen Kapitalanlagen etabliert sind, begegnen in Deutschland sowohl Politik als auch Anleger der Branche weiterhin eher zurückhaltend, obwohl die geringere Marktkorrelation von Hedge-Fonds – verglichen mit den klassischen Kapitalanlagen – zur Optimierung des Rendite-Risiko-Verhältnisses eines Portfolios beitragen kann.
Die USA sind mit weitem Abstand der weltweit bedeutendste…
Alternative KapitalanlagenBesteuerungHedge-FondsHedgefondsInternationales SteuerrechtInvestmentfondsInvestmentsteuerrechtInvStGPartnershipRechtsvergleichRechtswissenschaftUSAVereinigte Staaten von AmerikaRostam J. Neuwirth
The Cultural Industries in International Trade Law
Insights from the NAFTA, the WTO and the EU
Studien zum Völker- und Europarecht
The present book evaluates the present regulatory situation of various cultural goods and services, known as the cultural industries, under international trade law. Particularly, it looks at the experiences of the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) and the European Union (EU) in order to critically evaluate the efficiency and legitimacy of the current multilateral trading regime established under the aegis of the World Trade Organization (WTO). [...]
DiversityEuropean UnionGATTNAFTARechtswissenschaftTRIPSUNESCOWorld Trade Organization