3 Bücher 

Wissenschaftliche Literatur Pragmatics

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Lost in Translation? An Analysis of the Role of English as the Lingua Franca of Multilingual Business Communication (Doktorarbeit)Zum Shop

Lost in Translation? An Analysis of the Role of English as the Lingua Franca of Multilingual Business Communication

PHILOLOGIA – Sprachwissenschaftliche Forschungsergebnisse

The study explores the influence of English as a lingua franca on multilingual business texts, in the context of the growing Americanisation of German business communication. It is based on the central hypothesis that the dominance of lingua franca English leads to a convergence with Anglophone text conventions in translations into German. This hypothesis is tested using two genres within annual reports: letters to shareholders and corporate statements, which include texts such as visions, missions, and corporate values. [...]

Annual reportContrastive pragmaticsCorporate rhetoricDeutschEnglischEnglishGermanIntercultural business communicationInterkulturelle WirtschaftskommunikationKommunikationKontrastive PragmatikLanguage changeLanguage contactLingua FrancaLingua franca communicationMehrsprachigkeitMultilingual business communicationMultilingualismSprachkontaktSprachwandelSprachwissenschaftText linguisticsTextlinguistikTranslation Studies
Multimodal (Im)politeness (Dissertation)Zum Shop

Multimodal (Im)politeness

The Verbal, Prosodic and Non-Verbal Realization of Disagreement in German and New Zealand English

PHILOLOGIA – Sprachwissenschaftliche Forschungsergebnisse

This study aims to broaden our understanding of cross-cultural differences in communication behaviour. To this end, the present study employs an innovative methodology, which combines a traditional approach to speech act research – based on verbal communication – with prosody and non-verbal communication, in order to gain a multidimensional insight into the disagreeing behaviour of Germans and New Zealanders.

After identifying the differences on all communicative channels, this study goes on to explore the perceptual effect these differences exert, thereby…

Communication BehaviourCross-Cultural CommunicationDisagreementGermanNew Zealand EnglishNon-Verbal CommunicationPolitenessPragmaticsProsodySpeech ActSprachwissenschaft
Politeness and Implicature (Dissertation)Zum Shop

Politeness and Implicature

Expanding the Cooperative Principle

PHILOLOGIA – Sprachwissenschaftliche Forschungsergebnisse

Major approaches to politeness so far analyse it as a strategy to ensure smooth interaction. Politeness is seen as a norm, the expected thing in communication whose occurrence is not noticed most of the time. In my thesis I argue first for a threefold distinction among expected politeness (politic behaviour in Wattss s sense), unexpected politeness and rudeness. Then I examine how participants can exceed the expectations of politeness and in that way use politeness as a means for communicating something more. I maintain that what is then communicated by polite behaviour…

Cooperative PrincipleHöflichkeitImplicaturesIntercultural CommunicationInterkulturelle KommunikationLinguisticsLinguistikPolitenessPragmaticsPragmatikSprachwissenschaft