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Wissenschaftliche Literatur Poverty
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Michaela Triebel
Debt Relief as Panacea for Solving the Development Crisis of Sub-Saharan Africa
An Analysis of the HIPC Initiative
Wirtschaftspolitik in Forschung und Praxis
During the last years, poverty reduction has been in the centre of attention of all development agencies. While Latin America and East Asia as a region managed to significantly improve the living conditions of their people, the quality of life for most people in sub-Saharan Africa appears to only have improved marginally. Africa remains the least developed region of the world. Therefore, the development problem of the African continent has been subject to great concerns…
AfrikaBurkina FasoDebt reliefDevelopmentDritte WeltEntwicklungsländerGhanaHIPC InitiativeInstitutional changeInstitutioneller WechselMalawiMaliMozambiquePRSPRwandaSchuldenSchuldenerlassSub-Saharan AfricaTanzaniaUgandaVolkswirtschaftslehreWirtschaftspolitikHäufige Schlagworte im Fachgebiet
BildungChinaComplianceControllingDDRDatenschutzDigitalisierungEthikEuropaEuroparechtEuropäische UnionGesellschaftsrechtGlobalisierungHaftungIdentitätInnovationInsolvenzrechtIntegrationInternetKommunikationKonsumentenverhaltenKooperationMotivationNachhaltigkeitNationalsozialismusRechnungslegungRusslandSchuleSteuerrechtUSA