Wissenschaftliche Literatur Philosophy
Eine Auswahl unserer Fachbücher
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Jacob Bjorheim
The Epistemological Value of Consumption Based Asset Pricing Models
BOETHIANA – Forschungsergebnisse zur Philosophie
The book is a philosophical analysis of the consumption based capital asset pricing model (CCAPM), investigating in particular its epistemological and methodological foundations.
Financial markets are integral parts of advanced and developing economies. They matter because they channel unspent household income into banks’ savings accounts and assets such as bonds and stocks. Financial economists have traditionally taken interest in the pricing mechanism that…
Asset PricingAssumptionsEpistemologyEquity Risk PremiumFinanceMethodologyModelsOntologyPhiliosophyPhilosophiePhilosphy of ScienceTendenciesWolfgang D. Herzfeld (Hrsg.)
Franz Rosenzweigs Jugendschriften (1907–1914)
Philosophie: Teil II – Hegel
BOETHIANA – Forschungsergebnisse zur Philosophie
Der zweite Band von Rosenzweigs Jugendschriften, von Wolfgang Herzfeld glänzend editiert, bereichert das Feld der Rosenzweigforschung und bietet der nachfolgenden Forschergeneration eine unverzichtbare Grundlage. Bereits in Herzfelds breit gefächerten Einleitung des ersten Bandes wird nicht nur Rosenzweigs Vertiefung in die Philosophie Kants (siehe hier Rosenzweigs Jugendschriften: Teil I) deutlich, sondern auch wie sehr der Student…
Franz RosenzweigGeorg Wilhelm Friedrich HegelGeschichtsphilosophieHegel und der StaatJugendschriftenPhilosophieReichsverfassung
Vincent Moolan Kurian
Beyond Interreligious Tolerance
Mahatma Gandhi – Pioneer of Faith-Based Active Non-Violence as a Response to Oppression and Communal Violence
This book is an exploration of the life and message of Mahatma Gandhi, “the apostle of non-violence“. It is not merely an academic study, but reflects people’s genuine thirst for searching authentic freedom in a world where inhuman, irreligious and unchristian spirit prevails. The spirit and vision of Mahatma Gandhi, the great son of Arsha-Bharata, who gave his life for tolerance and non-violence, and who treated all religions with the same spirit of respect and…
AhimsaCatholic ChurchChristentumChristianityConsensual ViolenceDialogueEthikGewaltGewaltlosigkeitIndiaIndienInterreligiöse ToleranzInterreligious ToleranceMahatma GandhiMoraltheologieMoral TheologyNon-violenceOppressionPioneer of Active Non-ViolenceSatyagrahaUnterdrückungOliver Page
Sport und Spiritualität
Unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der jüdisch-christlichen Spiritualität
Schriften zur Sportwissenschaft
Sport und Spiritualität faszinieren die Menschheit seit Jahrtausenden. Ausgehend von Asien und dem Nahen Osten zeichnet der Autor die Entwicklung dieser beiden Bereiche durch die Menschheitsgeschichte hindurch nach. Ebenso zeigt er Aspekte des Sports in der Bibel anhand leitender Personen wie Mose, David und Salomo auf, die auch hochbegabte Sportler und Sportliebhaber waren.
Andererseits zeigt die Kirchengeschichte, wie die Christenheit der westlichen Welt…
BibelChristentumChristliche SportarbeitGlaubeInterkulturelle StudienJudentumKircheKirchengeschichteMagiePraktische TheologieReligionSpiritualitätSportSportgeschichteSportwissenschaftBenoy Joseph
Trinity as an All-embracing Reality
A Study Based on Raimon Panikkar‘s Understanding of Trinity
Schriften zur Religionswissenschaft
This book is an attempt to present Raimon Panikkar’s Trinitarian understanding. The Christian doctrine of the Trinity is seen as an underlying structure of all reality. The author tries to find the Trinitarian roots in the Cosmotheandric vision of Raimon Panikkar. The exposition shows how Panikkar retains the core of the truth of the Trinity and tries to reinterpret this truth in a relevant and intelligible manner to his eastern audience. In doing so Panikkar finds that…
ChristologieChristologyCosmotheandrismDogmaticsDogmatikRaimon PanikkarReligiöser DialogReligious DialogueReligious PluralismSpiritualitätSpiritualityTheologieTheologyTrinitätTrinityWeltreligionenWorld ReligionsChristopher Chino Agoha
The Ecclesiastical Character of the Foundation and Apostolate of the Consecrated Life
A Comparative Analysis of the CIC 1983 (CC. 573-605, 678-683) with the Apostolic Exhortation “Vita Consecrata” 1996
THEOS – Studienreihe Theologische Forschungsergebnisse
The canon law of the consecrated life is among the major issues updated in the 1983 code to suit the renewal principles of the second Vatican Council. In these days when the facets of modernism and science tend to impose a wider onus to the mission of the church, a tactical rejuvenation of emphasis on mission and its agents through the church’s law and doctrine become imperative. The ecclesiastical law gives a dignifying meaning to the institutes of consecrated life. By…
ApostolatConsecrated LifeEcclesiastical lawKanonisches RechtKirchenrechtMissionTheologieVita ConsecrataChukwuemeka Emmanuel Umeh
African Theology of Solidarity
THEOS – Studienreihe Theologische Forschungsergebnisse
The broad aim of African Theology of Solidarity is to establish that any symbiotic dialogue of the Christian faith with African cultures and the precarious social realities in Africa require the theological unification of the two major theological trends in Africa: Inculturation and Liberation. The need to incarnate the Christian faith in African cultures should not ignore the contemporary social realities in the present day Africa. The necessity of this endeavour is to…
AfricaAfrican Traditional ReligionAfrikanische traditionelle ReligionAIDSArmutBefreiungstheologieCultureFemale CircumcisionFrauenbeschneidungFrauenrechteHIVInculturation TheologyInkulturationKulturLiberation TheologyPovertySolidaritätSolidarityTheologieTheologyWomen‘s RightsSolomon Okezie Obasi
Evangelisation and Modernity
Cultural Issues as Missiological Imperative in „Ecclesia in Africa“
THEOS – Studienreihe Theologische Forschungsergebnisse
This study brings to the fore that modernity offers enough (if not more than enough) materials for missiological consumption for the church in Africa. It stresses that the challenges of evangelisation in Africa in the Third Millennium, as Ecclesia in Africa specifies in its caption, can never be the same as the evangelisation of the 15th or the 19th century. The reason is that African traditional societies, which shape the way African people think and live (and…
Christliche KircheChurch in AfricaEcclesia in AfricaEvangelisationEvangelisation in AfricaGlobalisierungInkulturationMissionModern CultureModerneModernitySoziale GerechtigkeitTheologieGodfrey Chukwunyere Oleri
The Dynamic Character of the Mass Media in the Evangelising Mission of the Church in Africa
With Particular Reference to the Nigerian Church
THEOS – Studienreihe Theologische Forschungsergebnisse
Godfrey Chukwunyere Oleri, a native of Umufor Amaimo in Ikeduru Local Government of Imo State was born on 30th Nov. 1958 in Enugu. He Studied philosophy at Bigard Memorial Seminary Ikot Ekpene/Nigeria (1980 –1984) and Theology at Bigard Memoral Seminary Enugu/Nigeria (1985-19899 before his ordination on 12th August 1989 for the catholic diocese of Enugu/Nigeria. He got his Licentiate in Theology in Trier University/Germany in 2004 and Doctorate in the same University in…
AfricaAfrikaCatholic churchEvangelisationFreedom of the PressGlobalisationGlobalisierungInculturationKatholische KircheMassenmedienMass MediaPoliticsPolitikPressefreiheitTheologieTheologyAndreas Lohmann
Postmodern Art-Photography
A Mediatheoretical Approach
Schriften zur Kulturwissenschaft
This book provides a philosophical and media-theoretical enquiry about postmodern art-photography in the context of our current visual episteme. The aim of my argumentation is to show in what way both spheres are inextricably connected and influenced by each other. The theoretical tools for analysing contemporary photography are mainly drawn from French poststructuralism, psychoanalysis and feminism which have become standard features in cultural criticism and media…
Art-PhilosophyClaire ChambreFeminismFrench poststructuralismKulturwissenschaftMedia TheoryPornographyRoland BarthesVisual Culture