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Wissenschaftliche LiteraturOstafrikaPolitik

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Hydrological Regionalism in the Mekong and the Nile Basin (Dissertation)

Hydrological Regionalism in the Mekong and the Nile Basin

International Politics Along Transboundary Watercourses

Schriften zur internationalen Politik

As bipolarism was dissolving, in the 1990s, the perceived threat of nuclear war decreased, while the demand for a redefinition, or rather expansion of the term and comprehension of international security has increased. The concept of “ecological vulnerability” is a brainchild of this process and has significantly influenced the post-Cold War security…

ConflictsCooperationsEnvironmentInternationale BeziehungenInternational RelationsKonflikteKooperationMekong RiverNil RiverOstafrikaPolitikwissenschaftResourcesRessourcenSüdostasienUmweltWasserWater